Idk why I lose so much rr but barely gain.
I'm G3, P2 peak and I can't rank up without extreme effort. Ik I had a bad loss but -27 rr is wild but even on mid losses I still lose 23+, yet for a win I get anywhere from 16-22 with an exception of 25 for a good match MVP. Why is this happening and how do i fix it? I was thinking maybe it's a tracker score thing but my score is a 891.

10 Replies
as far as i know this means u don't deserve this elo and the game is trying to derank you, and the opposite when u gain more than u lose
improve ur aim
go in range and shoot bots for 10min brefore a game even 5 is ok
like i should be a lower rank? because I play top 3 in the lobby 90% of the time
i just started literally today, been trying to play some DMS and range
dms is good and wait for ur crosshair to be on their head and then shoot and also foucus on ur enemy and not the player
The people saying your mmr is lower than your rank is true but not a lot. only reason is round score and your k/d.
1-13 and only 6 kills
I can't play amazing every game though? Like I stated my tracker score is almost perfect, how am I supposed to play like that every game I'm due for a bad one eventually, also how do I increase my MMR? Cuz this shit Is ridiculous
Show me your tracker score how is it perfect with kd that low? As for mmr, literally just more kills. you need to literally be able to bully your enemies, I'm talking consistent 25-30k.
20+ is good though. depend so round score ofcourse
If you want really good MMR you just need 230+ Average combat score

DDR kinda fell off but it's pretty good
ACS is roughly 250
Yeah that's good, literally just win games no issues with your mmr.