Installation question
I was installing val yesterday and hat to turn off my pc and i put it to sleep and when i woke up i opened the pc and the update was at 30% but yesterday it was at 85% (approx)
Im wondering if there will be any file conflicts?
10 Replies
Nah it will be fine
Alr but u know why it does that?
not fine i rebooted my pc now val isnt installed
Eh open riot and client and click on update
It will install the remaining files
Why not
if i search it doenst show up
Riot client?
im just gonna reinstall everything
Do you not have desktop shortcut either ?
nope it didnt make it
crazy luck for me ig'
all because i started dowloading late
it takes like 6h to download
cuz i have a repeater
i moved my pc
and my parents dont want to drill a hole
like sometimes download speed is 15kilobytes and if im lucky its 5 megabyes
brefore i had 100MB/s
Reinstalled windows everything is ok now and probably user error