Update Issue
Works completely fine just now but now when I want to open the game it tells me to update, and I cant update it for no reason

611 Replies
- Open the Task Manager > Details tab
- End the task on all VALORANT, Riot Client and VANGUARD-related apps/services
- Open the Control Panel > Uninstall a Program
- Uninstall Riot VANGUARD
- Open CMD as Admin and type these commands:
- sc delete vgc
- sc delete vgk
- Navigate to your C: Drive, then Program Files
- Find the VANGUARD folder and delete it
- Open the Riot Client and click update
- Restart your computer after the update
After you’re done with that:
- Press Windows key + R
- Type services.msc
- Look for vgc
- Right-click on vgc > Properties
- Change the startup type to automatic
- Start the services (if not started already)
We will be waiting for your response, thank you.
@kaesen.KC follow these steps
if it don’t work then meta will help you
Pretend I’m not here
You gotta take the initiative
The pc would catch on fire
just like that
lemme touch yo pc meta rq
get the fire extinguisher tho

@Kris ^
No problem, go next step
yo do u fixed it?
cuz i have the same problem
Follow the same steps
always replying faster than me :Reyna_Angry:
Type services.msc
Look for vgc
didnt find the vgc file
i dont have Vanguard file in drive C
It’s fine go next step
no vgc in services.msc
Did you open riot client and click on update
update valorant?
Yes click update
Then restart pc
umh i am also facing the same problem
Try the steps above
i just tried
and now its stuck again
its not downloading anythinng
stuck at 0
there no vgc
after i restart
Did you download it from the Riot Client?
download what
i think yes
ok riot vangaurd is installed again
but its still
not updating
i just tried this on my friends account
for some reason
it says play
but for me
it says update
Does it get stuck at 0%?
on my accocunt it stays 0
Does it give the same error or gets stuck at downloading?
after that it says need to install required dependency
but on my friends account it dont say that it says play
@Metamorphosis do you have any ideas other than the one sent by the bot?
yeah it stuck at 0%
and no vgc
but what would happend if i just unintall the game and reinstall?
can i do that
I guess it’s a shot at this point
i still dont understand
i can play on my friends acc
but not on mine
that’s really weird
Vanguard releases are gradually rolled out usually, might be related to that
is it because i got 2 weeks ingame ban?
idk really know
what was the ban for?
idk i wasnt even toxic it was my friends
and they banned me
for 2weeks
comp ban and unrated
funny thing is my friends didnt got banned
it was only me
have anyone fix this
Nope I'm facing the same issue and I've never been banned b4
Did you try appealing it via support?
i did they keep doing same automated reply
i dont get ban or anything but it still the same
like i was being "toixc"
doing good like hour ago then this happen
my friends literally said "your mom black?"
but i didnt say shit
ik it kinda messed up but wheres my fault bruh
Is the ticket still open or nah?
Did you try the steps above?
ticket id
it says waiting for your reply
yess i try everything i can find online
ill try update my nvidia driver
that might be the issue
What did support say? You might need to reply to the ticket

There’s not much you can do once they deny your appeal.
i try to launch valorant on amd software
i mean
what to do
Ask them for the chat history and the message that u got banned for
it work but it said Error code van83
They usually give the chat history
They can provide that?
I have seen a few people getting the chat history yes
Not everytime tho
wish I known that when I got muted
man at this point
hopefullly it will work
Whats even the issue for u
The comp ban or what
Vanguard won’t install dependencies
the update issue
it works on my friends acc but not on mine
I reinstalled and now it works
uninstall it from control panel?
reinstall valo?
alright mines installing again
why is it so slow😔

am gonna cry if this shit shows update
Do u have any antivirus installed
i have one
Which one
Disable it
bro what
i did
Try to update again
Or restart ur pc once
Then try to update again
Should I turn off windows defender before updating?
Windows defender should be fine usually
Seeing the sheer amount of people with this issue
Its most likely vanguard sided and you may have to wait for em to fix it
can it be riot client bug
Tried logging in different account it works
but why can i play it on another account?
U can?
i can
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
hollon its installing
ill show after its done
Same here
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
system info?
i can login to other account and play without update @Jidat
but my other account requires update
Rly weird
Same its so weird
Is all ur ur guys's secure boot enabled?

What about TPM
it should be on
i was playing before the update come man
i never faced these isues before update cmon
Me too

Do something for me rq
Log into the account on which the game is working
Open the game
While the game is open
Open command prompt as admin
Type these commands
sc query vgk
One account has an update one doesn't? or is this a different issue.
sc query vgc
Show result for both
Because that sounds.
wait still installing
this the acc require update

game run in this

Try to get in the range

How tf
even my friend has this issue
its not working for me on
different account
since i uninstalled vanguard
If there's this many people having the issue just open support tickets and go to sleep.
hat the fuck
what the fuck
i can run it on
different account
bro what is this
i dont even have vanguard installed
what the hell
nvm i do have it installed
wait what
ive reinstalled riot and val for like 4 times alr
they dont want me to play
If I do that I'll be dead in 5th time
wth bro

Slow wifi man
I can max re-install 3times
Bro what
ohh i see
I don't even have vanguard
i having my good aim day and they did this:Omen_Love:
And it won't let me download it

i think its riot client
i can dw smtg on steam with 100mbps but valo is like 10mb/s
never pause your download I pause and it go back to 10%
Steam shows download speed at mbps
Riot client show it as MBps
wait few hour and pray
How to do this @Jidat @Swannn?
ok some how
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
i can play on other accounts
but not on my own account
thats crazy
Uh lemme just
@junimo is this client sided
Has to be right
let me play :val_SadCat:
The update issue?
Yeah seems like it, I’m trying to figure it out too
ill buy the new bundle if they fix this ( i dont have money):val_Hampter:
i just reinstalled
it dont work
we told you it doesnt work dawg
I don’t know how to diagnose it, cuz I can’t reproduce this problem
One of yall willing to help me test stuff?
yeah sure
how bout vanguard
its working on accounts which isnt made by me
but not working on my own account
Alright give me like 15min to wrap up something and I’ll come help
i maybe fixed mine
i just used a vpn
to download
and now it works
mine works if i use a different account
use cloudflare warp vpn
it worked for mine
at this point ima just not play for a bit
im hardstuck plat 2 anyway
damn i started playing an year ago
i am currently stuck on plat 2
i swear i was this close
to becoming diamond
in v25 a1
this close
79 rr
6 losing streak after that
thats sad
not working
lets just wait for junimo
👍 .
Ur done pal.
hello timmy
r u getting the same prob
:val_KekwSob: :val_KekwSob:
Huh what's this have relation to the update?
its not working T-T
kris asked me
i tried everything
so i just replied
u guys
have the 0%
update ?
damn bro
my 5th reinstall
i give up
i re installed everythin like 3 times
didnt work
guys i meet a problem like this and i reinstall the game and riot client 5 times still came out this problem anyone know how to solve

stop bro if the 1st not working it never will
yeah us too gang
ok im back
can you guys send me your vanguard logs? they are in C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs
also your riot ids please
i delete my vanguard and now i cant reinstall
dont have that file
me too
i forgot my id

is it the same if its from RRT
changed the account
it worked
gotta check my account
it works on
hope it works
diff acc
bruh still the same issue on my acc
seems like some guy deleted valo and reinstalled it
and it worked
can i install vanguard from installing league
i swear i have match tmr
if they dont fix this issue ill have to die
lmao, good luck
time to pray hoping it works
smartest valo player
why him lol
😭 ...
i just tried 10 min ago
not works
yeah its specific accounts
thats how i say thanks
yea it still required dependency
it still says this tho

chat are we cooked?
Just back up the game file then reinstall its working now for me
we cooked like a deepfried fish
back up?
scorched chicken
just play legend of runettera atp
lets play roblox
my file explorer is still tryna find that vanguard file
alright im gonna DM you a vanguard installer so you can install directly
see if that helps
send pls
pls DM all of us
Go to riot clint folder and u will find valorant folder just take a backup of it and uninstall valorant and riot Client then reinstall riot Client and when u select install select already installed then select the valorant folder u backed up done( also don't forget to delete the riot Client folder after uninstall)
tabbing back to val shows white screen for like 2 seconds is that normal
i have vanguard and its letting me play on a new account but not my own
im on my siblings acc rn but i fr cant enter mine
valorant do u wanna suck on my 🍆
download this, and run with administrator cmd.exe like this:

is there a fix for this?
i have the issue fixed
but just on a another account
whenver i try my main it says the same thing
it should do a silent install, after like a minute go to C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard folder and confirm vgk.sys file version is instead of

and then go back to your main and see if you can play
i fixed my issue just using a vpn
yeah it makes sense, because my guess is somehow riot client isn't able to download the vanguard installer properly
sry this file i run then it says is uninstall the vanguard only
don't click it directly
i run as adminstrator
i deleted vanguard as a whole
if you click directly it just uninstalls vanguard
use command line to install like I described
can you please dm me the steps? @junimo
use administrator cmd.exe and run it like this
C:\Users\junimo\Downloads\setup_49.exe --install
what if i have it installed already

it looks like mine is outdated
do i have to delete vanguard or just update it?
yeah that's outdated
you don't need to delete to update
ok so i download the setup file and
run that command
then restart?

run from commandline with --install
dont do this right
just copy C:\Users\junimo\Downloads\setup_49.exe --install this?
you need to change the path to your own, so my username is junimo so I used that
its not working
change junimo to whatever your path name is
i run as administrator still unistall
i alr change

its the correct version now
yeah good job you did it
now try to play
i cant use mine
open C:
then go to users
how do i see my path name
or wait
where did you download it
still stuck

its in my downloads
close riot client and restart it
at downloads

copy file location
right click then copy as path
then put --install at the end
like this
C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\setup_49.exe --install
anyone fix the problem?
@Xavier did restarting riot client fix it for you
i read all this messege and confused XD
wait let me check
It told me to restart my pc
Im doing it right now
is it like this?

what is this
did i need to delte users jinha?
Best outcome
Means vanguard was installed
not sure just run the command first
oh my
after i press enter i just loading then nothing happens
Did it work?
THANK YOU @junimo :chickheart:
yeah it's not supposed to show anything, it installs silently
It doesnt show any progress bar of the install btw, youll have to check by going to vanguard folder then checking properties of .sys
"C:\Users-------\Downloads\setup_49.exe" is my path
is this correct?
the only way you can confirm it installed is check the file version of vgk.sys
im gonna reboot first
oh isaw it alr
How do i fix
thank you
The install issue
@alst | #1 fracture fanyo can u dm
why we all got the same issue
yesterday valorant was fine for me
how can i fix it
i reinstalled
It works

thank you @junimo
but still
right click then copy as path
then put --install at the end
like this
C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\setup_49.exe --install
too lol
is there an easier way to fix this
wait ill write a step by step for you guys
dont reinstall
it wont work
cuz im not very knowlegeable on laptops
how u get this?
thats the easiest
i saw it up
so i copied it
and pasted it
ok okay
asking if its right
cant riot just come up with a patch fix or something
i think they will fix it
can ut ell us
yes yes
ok guys so this proves it's not vanguard that's broken, I think it's just something about the riot client servers not being able transfer the new vanguard installer properly
did i need to restart my laptop?
vanguard unable to download
i dont have it
so will it be fixed by riot eventually?
after reinstalling
I'll ask riot client folks to fix it
or do we all have to do this coding stuff
meanwhile use installer
oh ok

thanks for helping my brain dead self
happy you
bcs here doesn t show vanguard

i have to uninstall vanguard?
dawg im scare i though it bcs i install resident e4 on steam xD
no no
im saying
wat u need help w
i dont have it installed after reinstalling valorant
and uninstalling vanguard
and i cant install vanguard
if u uninstall every every thing and reinstall client it will download it for u
i got vanguard
i just need to understand the syntax of the administrator command
but cant play
the same issue..
no it doesnt download
write me the steps
in dm
can u

Im in noww THANKS A LOT:val_Hampter:
can someone tell me
how to fix
can u
can you guys help each other out to install?
can u help
i have vanguard but i cant play
i dont have it lol
make sure you hv this install
then you do this
done installing
now hwat
so should i uninstall my vanguard
and install that?
seems to be working, what now @alst | #1 fracture fan

not sure
just run
wait a min or two
check ur vanguard versiob
try run and restart yr pc
is this it?

im seeing vgc
i typed out an 8 step message

just for this
broski, how do i update the version?
you see the vgk.sys file?
ive got this

that one
you wanna right click on it
what next
go to properties
do i restart pc
if you got it install it alr update
@Xavier @junimo

yep thats all good
restart your pc and run valo
Someone said they used vpn and it fixed
click the product version?
i pressed that and i pressed ok
is that it?
as junimo said its because
riot client is unable to get the
correct vanguard version
the latest version is
i had .41
what do i do
i think this might be an issue in apac only
I reinstalled it worked
because other people dont seem to be having it
after install that file
check vgk.sys file
in program files
what program?
riot vanguard
it should have a folder in your program files

go to drive
C drive
i have to run that thing first?
did you finish running that command in
command prompt
ok then first run that setup as

no no run the
setup file
is it working now?
in downloads
aight ima try once I got back home
it works
hi op
Its working for me now
nothing happend
thanks everyone who helped my half brain cells
ok now right click on the setup file
copy as path
then paste it here
im just glad it work i was hella frustrated
real man
thanks again though
junimo is the one to thank
i was gonna go crazy
wheres the file?
@junimo we love you
what is copy as path?
it copies the location of that file
so your command prompt knows what file youre tryna run
C:\Users\napan\Downloads\setup_49.exe --install
run this command in command prompt
and make sure you start command prompt as admin

yes now go to program files
then riot vanguard folder

ok now
right click on that file
and click properties
then details
and screenshot that

yes its fixed now
restart your pc and
launch valo
for helping some1 with no braincell
lol its confusing dw
yo am i cooked it doesent work for me
i reinstalled val like 3 times now
Use this installer @embo
o alr
o damn it works now
i spent like 4 hours tryna get ts fixed earlier
guys I've already followed all the steps, why is it still so slow

no u gotta open cmd admin
If you’ve already updated, close riot client and restart it, it should recognize the new vanguard files and let you play
Valorant update problem
@junimo @Xavier thank you guys
my valorant is running fine now
Has the steps to fix the update issue already been given?
Yeah it’s here
Thank you thank you. I’ll compile the steps laid out by you for anyone who has this issue
Thanks a lot!
hello what do I do?
^^ @Pearl

do i have to uninstall vanguard before doing this or
I have the same issues right now
No you don’t need to
What is the solution?
do the steps
Do the steps and then restart riot client
idk mine also stuck

okay okay
like this?

when i click run as adminstator it says this

click yes
nothiong happens after that tho
run the command now
it's a silent install
I done all of the steps, its still not working for me
I deleted vanguard folder, did the command prompt thing
i cant open the black screen thingy
right click on the file
setup file
copy as path
and send it here
ill give you the command
on windows search bar type CMD and right click on it and run it as adminstrative
ohh thanks
how do i run the command now tho
C:\Users\blueb\Downloads\setup_49.exe --install
paste this command
and press enter
in command prompt
@mwrble copy paste this
then restart your pc after like a minute and
launch valorant
it says download vanguard
did i do it right
restart your pc
my command thing is done, and i still couldn't update

did you change the path
wanna come vc and do it?
bro take him in vc and see if he doin right
im in a game right now xd
but sure
im down
i think junimo said to just open cmd as administrator then run the command and not opening the set-up file as administrator and then going to cmd
HAHAHA XD lmao im free i can help u'll
omg it works
im in no
noice enjoy buddy
i had to reinstall everything and it doesnt want to install vanguard, can i still do this if i dont have vanguard installed?
dont thank me
thank @Xavier
i searched like on yt and tt and didnt found the solution
thanks @Xavier
im noone to thank thank the dev
cuz this issue arrived today
anyone here free to help me
you pinged a different xavier
yea me
thank you bro
great thanks
@junimobro see :val_KekwSob:

have you fix it
The steps laid out I’ve compiled here https://discord.com/channels/679875946597056683/1347467717124296767 so you can access the steps easier

It works now. Thank you for the help!
Can anyone help me. I can't seem to be able to download the riot client itself
i followed the steps, it worked but now im getting error "VAN -81"
for VAN-81, run this command in cmd.exe before running valorant
sc start vgc

hmm weird, do
sc query vgc

what does this even mean 💀
try this: go to services, change vgc startup type to automatic, and restart computer

You tried your best
it worked, thank you
idk what i would without depressing myself in ranked for one day
my first match that bug 14-14 draw:val_PeepoSad:
@junimo it didnt work
it worked now
Riot has released a patch to fix this issue
I know it worked now
well like I mean the other method that junimo said

ts pmo sm icl
bro me too
not for me
for me still fixed
me too
im bout to lash out
why is my valorant started to get delay??
when im in a agent pick
it says i didnt pick an agent
when i already did
Look at my friends games

it didnt show the real scoreboard
its like delayed
Not delayed
It’s a bug
what kind of bug
yesterday on top of valorant screen, there's a red '!'
it says "ur valorant is delayed, we will try to fix it"
Can someone help me, my riot client is not installing and is stuck at this