Update issues
i was playing just a couple hours ago, and now its asking me for game update but its not working i tried to restart the game but nothing changed, any solution? pls and thanks in advance

55 Replies
Reinstall riot client. If that still doesn't work reinstall the whole game
That's usually thr best way
Wait wait
Nah uh
Try 1 thing first
It will go back to normal
Pause the update
And resume it
I've had the 0.1kbps happen to me
Just pausing and resuming works
Didn’t work for me
dont waste your time just uninstall valorant
Always works for me
did i say something that too strange for ya ?
im not gonna waste my time and wait riot to solve this ahh problem
Just uninstall valorant
Literally reinstall the game
i’ll try it rn and i’ll give u updates @lelele
ty @SunsetTree
if i unninstall riot
will valorant be deleted automatically
Uninstall riot client
But did you try pausing and resuming the update?
its in french
same issue
but it says impossible to desinstall riot client
cant uninstall riot client cus it tells me to delete all games related with riot
dont do that
before uninstalling it , you must delete riot games
Until i see by my self
doesnt work :val_KekwSob:
give me just 4 mins and it will be installed
i got an idea
why dont we (ctrl+C) valorant from riot games folder
to somewhere else
then delete riot re install it again
and put valorant folder again (ctrl+V)
Didn’t work
Do not reinstall valorant
idk man same for me
it doesnt work
can yall fix this problem yet?
Just reinstall valo

i think this is
a problem on
riots end
where can i install vanguard?

no idea how to fix
prob new bug
am reinstalling
doesnt work
reinstalling wont work
its just a problem on riots end
they might adress it
valorant opens when i login with another account
prob no fix before they fixes it
close.. not delete.
let me try
nope doesnt work for me
same issue
i love rito games guys!
whats the expected time till theyll adress it
alot of people are getting this so like
they should adress it idk
fixed btw
go to this post for the soolution