374 Replies
hi, would it be possible for you to send me your vanguard logs? they should be located in
"C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs"
okay one sec please
thank you!
how to get to that?
you can open file explorer and enter the file path

ok doing that btw i just unintalled vang is that okay?
maybe! hopefully the logs folder is still there
should look something like this

like this?
ah, looks like the folder is gone
im downloading vanguard right now ill try to open the game once it downloads if i still have the issue ill try to again
well, if you run into similar issues again, if you could DM me the logs that would be super helpful
oh could you send me your riot id please?
with the tags?
yes please
is it installing like that ?

nvm it installed ill restart pc
ok its not fixed 😭
something diffrent this time

could you try to see if there are any logs in the folder?
this is taking forever

i tried on c didnt find anything i will try on the other folder now
didnt find too 😦
what to do
try going to c: drive and manually finding the folder
c: -> Program Files -> Riot Vanguard
when i typed this
"C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs"
it worked
C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs
this didnt

that what u want?
Yes those are the files
yes it would be great if you could upload those logs
like enter each and send pic??
if you select those files, and press ctrl + c, you can copy the files
and then come back to discord and press ctrl + v
how to copy all at one
ok first
not like that
you can't copy the text directly or it'll be corrupted
so i seprate them?
like this?
yes yes
np ty
could you try running valorant again and see if you still get the same error?
yes lemme do that
there is a new file added

what do i do pls
can you try opening Event Viewer and going to Application logs to see if there are any Error entries that are marked with the red exclamation mark?

yes lemme try
if so please check if there's an entry with the faulting application name as vgc.exe

i enter that?

Faulting application name: bad_module_info, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00007ffb13891590
Faulting process id: 0x2a44
Faulting application start time: 0x01db8f05bcc30956
Faulting application path: bad_module_info
Faulting module path: unknown
Report Id: 0154ba39-e11f-4507-9e97-b2470d84bada
Faulting package full name:
hmm, this one doesn't seem related
Faulting application name: bad_module_info, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00007ffb41d61590
Faulting process id: 0x3248
Faulting application start time: 0x01db8f09aeabeeff
Faulting application path: bad_module_info
Faulting module path: unknown
Report Id: fb26fb21-4708-414a-b0aa-ffcc6b925b2a
Faulting package full name:
ok, let's try something else- can you try opening command prompt and entering
sc start vgc
before running valorant?
run as admin?
should look something like this

ok now i open the game?

😭 😭 😭

omg im so tired of this is this unfixable
uhhhh sorry it's being so persistent, could you send me the new logs it generated?
@𝗬𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗳 ^
ok i will send but i will sleep after its 5:30 am for me
if u want anything else ill respond as soon as i wake up
Wanna try something before u go to bed?
1) Go to Settings for the Windows computer.
2) Click Time and language > Language and region > Administrative language settings > Change system locale.
3) In the Region Settings dialog, make sure that the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support checkbox is selected. Click OK to save any changes.
4) Click Apply.
Next up, go to:
Start > Settings > Time & language > Date & time.
There click on sync now.
sry i slept ill try that now
2) Click Time and language > Language and region > Administrative language settings > Change system locale. where is that?
Administrative language settings
oh nvm found it
ok i did all of that
Restart your pc once
And then try the game
i did affter one of them
should i restart again?
Sure why not
i still have it.............................
Press windows key + r
Type msinfo32
And show ss

Press windows key
Type core isolation
what next?

Enable memory integrity
Restart pc
And then try the game
it doesnt let me
it said something

Show ss
Show the core isolation page

Click on both
Show ss
which one??
On the first pic
the review incomp is this one
Click on both .sys
oh ok

Open task manager > performance show ss
u want pic of each?
like cpu and all of that
Show full page

Open device manager
Expand display adapters
Show ss

Its either not showing
Or it’s not supposed to be there :AG_SubaThink:
Intel® Driver & Support Assistant
The Intel® Driver & Support Assistant helps keeps your system up-to-date by detecting when updates are available.
Let’s find out
Download this
Intel® Driver & Support Assistant
This application provides driver and software updates for your Intel hardware.
it made me download this too
It’s the same thing
Did you download from the link i sent you?
Open it
shouuld i stop download that one?
its installed alerady

what to do
Close that
Press windows key
Type intel driver
And open intel driver and support
it sent me to the website again
Yes show ss of the page

Ok let it download

what do i pick
oh nvm it installed im restart pc req

i think it didnt install
should i restart again?

Yes restart
not yet
i restarted and it showed me the same installtion again

Cancel it
No point in repeating
what next
both failed

Beta, ain’t nobody gonna check your dms
Wait don’t do anything yet
What’s your pc model
whats that
like my case?
Download this
this is big
like 200mb
Yes download it
Don’t run it
Only download ok
In the meantime I wanna check something
Press window key + r
Type dxdiag
Show ss

Click yes
but u will hack my pc
Open display tab
You can delete these now if it makes you feel better:monkey_eatbanana:
Let me know when the download is complete
its done
do i open it?
i got the install thing again
Do it
ok restarting pc
Moment of truth
Once it restarts
Open task manager > performance
Show ss

good or bbad news?
So I guess it’s not supposed to be there :AG_SubaThink:
Why is intel dsa showing it :val_Uhh:

i had it before when ii like bought the pc
but i think i uninstalled it
Had what
We’ll prob have to delete old drivers using ddu
even the amd?
Open amd software show ss

Ok good
So only intel
download this
Don’t run it
I’ll be back in a while
We’ll do it from safe boot
again ok
done what else
I gtg, I’ll @ you when I’m back
i think its fixed
i played a whole deathmatch
and it didnt kick me
thank you so much bro!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for your time guys !
Did it install the intel driver?:AG_SubaThink:
it just i said id try one more time and its working
i dont think
Aha well as long as it’s working
i have a feeling if i restart pc and try to play again it wont work
We’ll see when that happens
Why did you uninstall the intel driver anyway
i had a problem with my pc
i think i stil lhave
it made me quit valorant
while playing my pc goes into random colors and freezes
Aha ok
Let me know if you get the error again, we’ll install the driver
oh no i think its back
Are you serious or?
You’ve been playing for 15 min now
i got it 2 times while using vpn
when i turned off the vpn it worked normally
so i cant use vpn?
I guess not
Why are you using vpn anyways
to get voice chat
its banned in my country
ig ill play without vc
which vpn do you use?
it's not supposed to 1067 when you use vpn, :/ ideally I'd like to reproduce it and get it fixed
i use uh
i just downloaded this vpn idk
its called windscribe
i was in paris servers
in the vpn like im from paris
ok cool, I'll give it a try too
its not good
it makes ping high and vc didnt even work lol

@𝗬𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗳 I tried windscribe but don't get 1067 :/
i dont think its windscribe it my game still
what devices do you have plugged into your computer
mouse keyboard etc
can you try unplugging the ones that are not critical
whatss not crritical
mouse keyboard monitor
i unplug everything?
yeah try that
done exceptt the one that turns off the pc
is that ok?
see if you still get 1067
ok now i open the game?
still not ffixed
try running dxdiag and save all information and DM me the report

why is this so ffucking weird it was working
yeah something is very weird with your computer I think
@Metamorphosis u know how to fix?
Open device manager rq
i think its fixed lol been 6min playing
lemme finsh this deathmatch and see if it doesnt kick me
yeah its fixed 🫡
so now its a gamble sometimes i open the game it works sometimes it doesnt bruh
My game is on black screen do u know how to fix?
When you launch the game?
when i enterted a match
i restarted the game 3 times and then the black screen gone away but my pc frooze with a gray color on the screen
idk if tthats from my gpu or its the game
Are you in a match now
i just restarted the pc since it frooze
is there a way of fixing pc going into colors and freezing?
I still think it’s the igpu driver you deleted maybe
no i had that problem even when i had it
i deleted it of thinking the problem would go away
i think the company that i bought pc from scammed me since their gpus are bad
Do you want to try and install it now
will my problem be fixed?
We can only try
oh um

i got that shit again
Let’s install the driver
Press windows key
Type msconfig
Open system configuration
Did you open that ^
was drinking water
doing now
ok what next
Open boot tab
Check safe boot
Press ok
And restart when prompted

like this?

ok do i restart
Once it’s in safe boot, you’ll have black background, don’t panic :c_yellowthumg:
:val_Waiting: @ me when you’re back
u didnt tell me
i dont get wifi while on that mode
Are you in safe boot now
i dont have a phone atm
so i cant chat with u while im on it
i need help
Come now
With what,also make a new post pls
im here
Can you enter safe boot now
the game worked with me yesterday
So it’s a gamble
and then my pc crashed so i restarted it and then i entered the game and i got the problem again kept restarting the game since i was in a ranked match i restarted it like 2 times got the probl;em and then it worked
ima try now and see if i still got it
ok i got the problem again
Yes hi
ok what to do
i want to play the game pls
No guarantee but we try
^ same do this
ok btw i saw a video if i delete package cache the problem would be fixed
ok but if i go into safe mode i cant chat with u
You don’t have a phone ?
From here select network ig
ok i restart?
Yes click on restart
ok im on safe mode
Ok show ss of the files in the download folder I made you install the other day
its not letting me take pics
but i have the ddu setup
You can’t take ss ?
Ok open it
installing in d
oh no what is all of this
what do i click
From the right select
ok what next
Click on clean and restart
ok i think i did itt
now i get out of safe mode?
Did it say successfully deleted or sum
it restarted
Now this file you downloaded ^
Run that
ok what next
and then restart?
Yup once it installs
i finally got it
but uuh
my screen is like 700 resolution
Don’t worry
should i get out of that mode
Does it show in device manager ?
Ok exit safe boot now
Once you’re back in normal
Show ss of device manager

Is your resolution back to normal
Now try the game
but why did my google account sign out
bruh most of my accounts logged off
Log back in ez
ok the game passed the 4min test
i think its fixed
it usually kicks me at 3:30
Play for a while longer and see
im i able to run my inside gpu now?
because back then when i plug the caple into my inside gpu pord i get no display
ok been 10min didnt crash i think its fixed thank you bro 🙏🏻
I’ve been telling you, that could’ve been the problem
but im scared if i restart the pc and get it again....
So your next task is to restart your pc
And then try the game
So do it rn
my game crashed and i opened it again nothing happened 🙏🏻
like i got a color on the screen and ffreezed not the 1067 one
So 1067 is fixed
Is thst the same problem you faced before you deleted the driver
yeah e
i have thhis problem since i bought the pc
In general or just in valorant?
sometimes in like other games but rarely in valorant i get it more than other games
I got thhe problem again
i kept restarting thhe game and got the 1067 5 times and the 6 time it worked
bruh wtf is this
Well then I guess windows reinstall would be your last resort
oh no
i will lose all my data
Do you have anything important other than games
no but my wifi is limited
so i cant reinstall everything again
i will need to spent alot of money downloading them again
Contact riot support
Theyll ask for logs and shi
And see what solution they come up with
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
ok what do i tell them please
That you keep getting this error
ok but i will from a diffrent account is that ok?
Why different account
You got a Turkish acc?
the main one is logged out and i cant log back becuase i have to verify the gmail accont with my brother phone and he is not here atm
im logged in riot games but on the website im not
But do you error on any account you play with
i didnt try
Nvm just write a ticket with any account
should i tell them this
Tell them every details
ok so i tried alot of stuff and i still have the 1067 error no matter what i do please if any help i wanna play the game normally sometimes it works normally but after like restarting the game 5 times and when it works if i restart the pc i get it again so i try to do the same like restart the game alot of times and sometimes it works and sometimes doesnt so please i cant keep doing this i just want the game to start everytime
is that good
also should i download this or no

Yes provide the logs with that
like this?

Run as admin
Wait close that
And run the tool as admin

The 2 zip files yes
did it sent like this

also im i able to close the tap or i have to keep it open
Yup submit it
You can close it, you can check back later if you got any response
on gmail right?
Same site here^
I believe you’ll also get an email
@Metamorphosis i got a message from them he is telling me to uninstall my amd software but i need that
Did they ask you to uninstall or reinstall it
I'll show u the message one sec
Also, I find AMD Relive Application, Can you uninstall it? You can follow this link.
Also, and I can see that the Firewall exceptions for the game are disabled.😒
To enable them, please follow these steps:
Press Windows key, then type Control Panel then
It’s amd relive
And not amd software
Apparently screen recording app
there is a link
thhat sends me on how to do it the link is basically uninstallling the software
Open control panel > uninstall a program
On the search type AMD
Show ss

Did you do the firewall settings
he sent a big message
Send ss of the message
I think your message for filtered last time
yeah lemme send ss

Did you also delete the vpn
Let’s just reinstall the amd software
Press windows key
Type installed apps
On the search type AMD
show ss
but i need that.
That’s why I said Reinstall
oh do i have to download it again?
ok i uninstalled

do i get the pro one since the first one is causing problems
i also get this sometimes

No go with the first 1
once it installs should i add the drivers to where my windows is orr it doesnt matter?
It will by default select the C: drive no need to change it
ok and btw my uh my gpu is not working is that normal im plugging the screen into the proccor gpu the main one gives me no display
Reinstalling the driver should fix it
Did you reinstall the driver?
i dont have enough space
i downloaded it trying to install but it says i dont have enough disk space
can i do it in D?

even in d even tho i have 91gb free
what do i do
Does it ask you which disk to install on
i picked d
How much space you got on D
it downloaded something

should i change something of these

ok nvm i got enough space in c its installing
how does it know isnt it supposed to reset

ok the game is fixed ima restart pc and try again
ok i still have the problem
is that right or did i do something wrong

ok so i did that one opened the game its fixed restarted pc also fixed so thanks brother
Hopefully it’s fixed fr this time :AG_SubaThink:
ok i still have the fucking problem