27 Replies

i will try to find the hack and i will sent it here as a prove


@ItsGamerDoc this is my gametag
u can see that i got unbanned today
and Santos#aka
we both got unbanned
Why u pinging him again?
bec my problem isn't solved?
Not u
The other guy
@ItsGamerDoc would you please answer and understand what im going through
i got banned bec of smth u said ur going to unban people who did the same thing i did
but i didnt get unbanned
dont use that shit
you still gonna get banned
already been used
and our fine gentleman here said anyone who used it would get unbanned after 2 weeks
but guess what
i didnt
and he's ignoring me
i have the same thing.
Same problem here
if any moderators could help me on my case, i have recordings of all games ive played since november of last year to prove i havent used any skin exploits
i did and got banned for 14 days and not a hw ban and played on my alt 🤑

No matter how much you type, you’ll keep getting filtered
are u a riot dev ?
if it doesn't concern you can just stay quiet?
Womp Womp
fucking jew
Is thst supposed to do something
imma just close this post bec this server's " devs " doesn't really do their job
sh3b ebn zanya