Is an undershirt under a Johnny collar polo silly?
Not gonna lie, I’m insecure about showing much chest with a shirt, so my immediate impulse with these is to wear a tighter neck crew neck over it. It seems generally advised that polos should be their own base layer, but I kind of like the look of this—for me it has a similar vibe to the short sleeve over long sleeve thing without being overtly like a statement. But does it look more silly than I realize?

9 Replies
(Also the hair is like that bc I just showered lol)
yeah I don't love this
you are barely showing chest if you wear this without a baselayer
barely even showing sternum
Hm I guess it’s not that much now that I really look. Although it’d be a little too open to wear for today’s weather (high 40s and rainy)

(Under a light jacket obviously)
Does it look any better with a colored shirt? With the black and white stripes I definitely see it looking weird and maybe even a bit distracting but this one I’m more on the fence about

never do this