Moving a custom domain from a Worker to Pages
Hi all,
We've had a custom domain setup against a Worker for a while, it splits traffic between 2 origins based on path. Ready now to move it back to the Pages project it used to be setup against and getting the following error: "That domain is already associated with an existing project. Use a different domain or find the project already using this domain and remove it.".
Here's the steps I've followed:
- Deleted the entry under "Domains & Routes" for the Worker
- Checked DNS, the Worker entry has gone
- Attempted to assign the custom domain to the Pages project
We've got a few domains using this setup, a Worker that splits traffic to Pages projects under the hood.
I can achieve the same with Snippets that are in Beta, but ultimately we've been using Workers to help us with the strangler fig pattern migrating our sites from Gatsby to NextJS.
Also trying to achieve this without any downtime if possible.
Anyone had something similar?
1 Reply
Right now I've got a Snippet setup and a AAAA record set to proxy with a value of 100::
I had hoped that'd give me the flexibility to shuffle the custom domain around without downtime for visitors.
@Walshy | Workers/Pages I've seen you've helped someone with something similar in the past, would you be able to point me in the right direction please?