
I'm currently bronze 3, I've been hard stuck bronze for multiple acts. I have watched countless videos to try and improve but nothing seems to help
9 Replies
Kurama2w ago
How long have you been playing for? And what would you rate your aim and game sense out of 10 (separately)
2%milkOP2w ago
i started playing in episode 8 act 3 i was origiolny placed in iron 2 and was stuck in iron for some time i think my aim is mabey a little better than others around my rank and my game sense is average for my rank
Kurama2w ago
I started at episode 3 act 2 Try to play with your friends may them be online or offline This will help in teamwork and Better play due to same level of seriousness to win And will definitely help you to rank up Play death match before heading for a comp and if you play bad just don't play comp if you really want to rank up because not playing is just better than playing bad in comp Also deathmatch>> Range as deathmatch is more realistic In 5 or atleast 3 Goodluck
2%milkOP2w ago
Which I haven't mentioned, I keep getting plat and high gold players in my lobbies I even had an ascendant jett on the enemy team yesterday
Kurama2w ago
Yeah I'm having the same issues tbh the matchmaking is kinda fked rn Hopefully it gets better next act
yume2w ago
u mean peak ascendant right
2%milkOP2w ago
yeah but it was like literally the previous act and episode, so it wasn't like they where ascendant in episode 1 act 1 or smth
AB2w ago
I recommend 2 YouTubers Proz and Haeyoday im neither of them but they have great guides on movement angle holding etc Another thing I would recommend is working on strafe speeds in the range I peaked imm2 and have been consistently asc and occasionally immorally It’s very easy to adapt to the game But I have latency issues as of recently so I have 0 passion now
Kurama2w ago
Basically what happened is from the previous episode to this new act everyone had got in their ranks reduced by a lot I was a gold 1 player and I got thrown to bronze 2 And some important players even go to Gold So this is widely happening due to that reason

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