Billing credits

Hello, we received credits but i can't find anywhere in the UI where can we see how many credits are left and the end date? can anyone please indicate this to me?
6 Replies
Acе5d ago
The credits feature was rushed and still isn’t implemented correctly. They say it will show in your invoices but it doesn’t. I think they’re just applying a 100% discount to all invoices for those with credits at the moment, instead of actually deducting credits. I actually just checked my latest invoice and the credits are now showing, but haven’t been deducted from (still got $250k). The invoice has a 100% discount applied.
scottoOP4d ago
mm ok but when can we see it, also the exact expiration date is not clear
Vero4d ago
Yes, you should be able to see it in your invoices. But the expiration date won’t be visible there. The startup program credits expire one year after they were issued
scottoOP3d ago
can u confirm to me the date? if i share the account id?
Vero3d ago
Just saw your account in other thread. The team just told me your credits expire on December 5
scottoOP3d ago

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