Account Problems
I haven't played valorant in a couple of weeks and after the update I tried to login but all of my weapon skins, agents, and other proof of gameplay were gone. my level was sent to 1, no skins, no unlocked agents, nothin.
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Recover Your Account
If you forgot your Riot Games username, can't remember your password, or need help recovering a compromised account, you're in the right place. Find your issue below and click the associated button...
30 Replies
Did you login with the correct account?
I think so but I'm pretty sure i made a mistake
Could you double check that you signed in with the correct account?
ok so I ran through the riot login, with what I remember and what google has saved. it's when I login with the google account that I get this empty account but I can't find my og accnt
Do you happen to remember your riot account email?
Also, are you sure your riot account had Google connected to it ?
Im guessing not because the only email that I have isn't attached. as for remembering I tried everything I remember
Let me get you the account recovery link
Recover Your Account
If you forgot your Riot Games username, can't remember your password, or need help recovering a compromised account, you're in the right place. Find your issue below and click the associated button...
ill get back to you
Click Automated Recovery Tool
I wish I could trolling rn

uh oh
Are you using a VPN by any chance ?
i am
That might be the problem
Can you disable it then reload the page
wait i just checked and i dont have it open
Can you try another browser?
same error
do you know of any way to get on call with a riot team member?
any idea how to fix this?
or get incontact with a riot customer service or smthn
Yo you there?
Sorry for the late reply.
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
no problem
i tried but I did find out why I can't log in
Twas hacked
idk how but i was
Was your account hacked?
You need to submit an account recovery ticket
any idea how to get it back?
I can't beacuse I dont remember my riot numbers
Uh oh
Do you happen to have an old email from riot games?
guess what
i got it back baby!
thanks for all the help
You’re welcome!
I’m glad you got your account back!