NextJS NEXT_PUBLIC vars on the client
NEXTPUBLIC* variables should be accessible on the client-side yet
isn't available and import { getRequestContext } from "@cloudflare/next-on-pages";
is only available on the server. How can I access these public variables on the client?22 Replies
use process.env like normal for inlined vars
if they're not available, then they might not be being inlined properly
for inlined vars? wym
im setting the vars in
& process.env isn't available. I would have to do something like hardcode a .env which would be passed to cloudflare for deployment for something like this to worknext.js will inline
vars at build-time if they are available and accessed with process.env
it is when using next-on-pagesI'm using next-on-pages. I followed this guide:
Cloudflare Docs
Next.js · Cloudflare Pages docs
React framework for building full-stack web applications.
if you want it to be inlined, you need to use process.env
I don't understand what you are saying
create a file called
?Node.js — How to read environment variables from Node.js
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
you aren't being helpful, I know how to access
I have my variables located inside my wrangler.toml and on the client if I call process.env.{variable name}
it's undefined
it doesn't work
many other people on here seem to have the same issue
there's also no docs specifying that this will work, it only says to use import { getRequestContext } from "@cloudflare/next-on-pages";
I should also mention that I have tried including them in .dev.vars
as wellNext.js docs explicitly state that you need to use
for it to bundle them at build time. Therefore, it would not bundle them if you are using getRequestContext
. For non-bundled env vars, they will be accessible on both process.env
and getRequestContext
in your worker, as they are made available through AsyncLocalStorage
on process.env
In next dev
, you can use setupDevPlatform
to setup Wrangler config stuff in the Next.js dev server VM module for the edge runtime, but this may not be a perfect experience due to HMR. If you want to use process.env
, it would be simple for you to have a .env.local
file for local development if you are having issues with setupDevPlatform
.Okay if I understand this correctly, I need to create a .env file that is hardcoded in my app for these public environment variables and cannot use .dev.vars or wrangler directly in order to access
. From what I saw, nextjs only inlines variables no if they are access with process.env
but rather if they are included in a .env file at build-time.I'm afraid I don't know the internals of how Next.js decides which env vars can be inlined or not, but I would image any vars available on process.env would, so you shouldn't need to commit a .env file to pages ci
They explain it here:
Configuring: Environment Variables | Next.js
Learn to add and access environment variables in your Next.js application.
Next.js has built-in support for loading environment variables from .env* files into process.env.
If you need to load environment variables outside of the Next.js runtime, such as in a root config file for an ORM or test runner, you can use the @next/env package.
Do you think that using this package may be the solution?That just tells you that they auto-populate process.env with a .env file. Secrets in Pages CI should also be available on process.env during build-time.
Hm, this is very strange that it wouldn't be available then
bc these work fine in the server. just not the client
I'm very confused as to why none of this is mentioned anywhere in the docs:
next-on-pages/internal-packages/next-dev at main · cloudflare/next-...
CLI to build and develop Next.js apps for Cloudflare Pages - cloudflare/next-on-pages
& should accessing vars on process.env in the server also work?
Server side:
Client side:
I think i'm doing something wrong because when I type
bun preview
this shows up:
"preview": "bun run pages:build && wrangler pages dev",
Quick update:
I got process.env.[variable] to work in the server by making these changes. However, client components still output this:
is this in a deployment or locally?
i tried preview and next dev
To solve this for now I am just removing the vars from the wrangler.toml and creating a hardcoded env.production and env.development which will hold all of my public variables that need to be accessed by the client-side. If you can find a better solution please lmk
Locally you will need a .env file if you want to use it that way, because they're not on process.env initially, they're only on it for code run inside the vm module next.js uses for edge runtime pages.
well that makes [vars] in wrangler.toml virtually useless
is this something that could be fixed?
No it's a limitation from when+where the env vars are being injected