Hi, I’ve encountered a problem when
Hi, I’ve encountered a problem when applying runtime filters on object access token.
This is my use case:
- I need to have a token with runtime filter ONLY for a specific liveboard
- The liveboard should also support another filter, for a different column,
- The liveboard should be embedded in our app, while applying both the filter on the token and the additional filter
what I tried is:
- fetch the object access token providing the liveboard id and the following runtime_filter
- went to the embed playground, replaced the token with my own, and try to embed the liveboard with another runtime filter
- I saw the specific dashboard, while other dashboards were restricted as expected.
- However, I’m seeing ALL of the data, instead of the filtered data by the token and the runtime filter I applied
Can you spot what is wrong? have I missed something?
3 Replies
User parameters has been deprecated since 10.4.0.cl. Which cluster version are you using?

I see, I'm not sure my cluster version. So is there a version of the updated docs?
so there's no option to add runtime filters on the token level?
I saw that the custom token API should provide that behavior with filters, but it seems like it is not supporting liveboards... is that correct? how can I achieve that on Liveboards?