What is the correct way to store data?
I would like to ask what is the correct way to store data in this case? Local storage or sqlite?
Simple to do list, no personal data
Site should have to sore checkbox checked or not.
That's all.
Local storage:
no need login,
much easier
only html and JS
only one device can remember the datas where stored,
clean browser data delete all.
multiple device can see the stored datas,
cannot loose datas
Need php, JS, sqlite
Need login
Much more work
Is there more pros and cons?
I didn't wrote safety, because no need safety, no personal data at all.
What you recommend to store data in this case?
Sorry I cannot choose right topic because the question is about front or backend question.
1 Reply
This is a #discussions question as you're not asking for code-specific help. Please re-post in that channel