Local Drive appears as two libraries in Steam

I'm trying to Dual Boot Windows and Bazzite with the winbtrfs driver as instructed by the wiki. And set it all up mostly going by a video made by "Mike's Tech Tips" and now I have a BTRFS partition on my drive that is automatically mounted to bazzite, and has a SteamLibrary folder with one game (said game being installed by Windows for testing purposes). But Steam keeps adding the drive twice, once the proper SteamLibrary folder, and once the root of the drive itself, thereby creating a steamapps folder and libraryfolder.vdf file in the same directory as the SteamLibrary folder. That wouldn't bother me much if it wasn't that each time I try to install something they both look the same. I tried removing it by using the "Remove Library" button, I tried deleting the folder and files corresponding to the unwanted Library, and I also tried edditing the "libraryfolders.vdf" of Steam itself, but after a reboot the library keeps coming back Is there some other way to get rid of this? It's probably not relevant, but I am on NVIDIA drivers, due to my mistake of receiving an NVIDIA card from a friend for cheap
16 Replies
wolfyreload•13h ago
Sounds more like a Steam bug than an nvidia issue. If I have an SD card connected it shows up twice in Steam for me. Does the game work though? Is your SteamLibrary folder in the root of the partition or in a subfolder? If it's in a subfolder that might be why it's showing the drive twice
spookdotOP•7h ago
It's in the root of the partition The mountpoint should be /run/media/FENRIR And the SteanLibrary folder is /run/media/FENRIR/SteamLibrary I have tested two games so far and they seem to be working. It's just bothersome having to remove that extra library each time I wanna install a game because otherwise I don't know which library is the right one since they are both written as /run/media/FENRIR
wolfyreload•7h ago
Could we have a look at your fstab file cat /etc/fstab and the output of the mount command? It's a bit odd that your mount points are in /run/media/x rather than /var/mnt/x
spookdotOP•7h ago
Small correction, it's /run/media/bazzite/FENRIR But yeah, let me grab them Although what output of the mount command is meant here? I have not used the mount command, the drive was mounted automatically by bazzite without my involvement. I wanted to do it myself but the Docs for bazzite mentioned that doing it yourself is not recommended anymore since automount was implemented
wolfyreload•7h ago
I was wondering if the device is somehow getting double mounted.
spookdotOP•7h ago
UUID=d06f1696-d2e8-441b-862b-cb13d759b9e9 / btrfs subvol=root,noatime,lazytime,commit=120,discard=async,compress-force=zstd:1,space_cache=v2 0 0
UUID=3f106e2c-2de8-4f46-b71f-2fa4ae72ea69 /boot ext4 defaults 1 2
UUID=EF23-D147 /boot/efi vfat umask=0077,shortname=winnt 0 2
UUID=d06f1696-d2e8-441b-862b-cb13d759b9e9 /home btrfs subvol=home,noatime,lazytime,commit=120,discard=async,compress-force=zstd:1,space_cache=v2 0 0
UUID=d06f1696-d2e8-441b-862b-cb13d759b9e9 /var btrfs subvol=var,noatime,lazytime,commit=120,discard=async,compress-force=zstd:1,space_cache=v2 0 0
UUID=d06f1696-d2e8-441b-862b-cb13d759b9e9 / btrfs subvol=root,noatime,lazytime,commit=120,discard=async,compress-force=zstd:1,space_cache=v2 0 0
UUID=3f106e2c-2de8-4f46-b71f-2fa4ae72ea69 /boot ext4 defaults 1 2
UUID=EF23-D147 /boot/efi vfat umask=0077,shortname=winnt 0 2
UUID=d06f1696-d2e8-441b-862b-cb13d759b9e9 /home btrfs subvol=home,noatime,lazytime,commit=120,discard=async,compress-force=zstd:1,space_cache=v2 0 0
UUID=d06f1696-d2e8-441b-862b-cb13d759b9e9 /var btrfs subvol=var,noatime,lazytime,commit=120,discard=async,compress-force=zstd:1,space_cache=v2 0 0
spookdotOP•7h ago
Dolphin also only mentions the drive once The Internal Drive at the top is Wiindows The Basic Data partition is another NTFS partition that I have on the same drive as Fenrir bazzie-deck-nvidia_fedora is bazzite itself (separate drive from Windows) And then there's FENRIR
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spookdotOP•6h ago
I do have two partitions on that drive that are both getting mounted. Could it be related to that? Maybe I should avoid the automount and just make a proper fstab entry using /var/mnt/
termdisc•6h ago
if this is permanently mounted media, I wouldn't rely on the automount that is used for SD cards. I would remove both libraries from your Steam settings then make sure only one is added back in via desktop mode
spookdotOP•6h ago
Okay Then i might also suggest changing this part of the docs since to me it suggests I should be using automount with non-removable drives since there's no section anywhere for how one should permanently mount secondary drives? I mean maybe this is also me having problems due to language barrier But yes I will immediately attempt that change of mounting it permanently
No description
termdisc•6h ago
wait for that to take over 😛 I give old and potentially bad advice when I am not aware of all the changes
spookdotOP•6h ago
To be fair, I'd rather make a permanent mount myself than trust an auto-mount like this I just thought "It's probably recommended for a reason" So it is adding /var/mnt/FENRIR/SteamLibrary But also /var/mnt/FENRIR even though I only added the one I wanted of those two on the last reboot I'm gonna try removing it again and rebooting
termdisc•6h ago
you may need to edit libraryfolders.vdf by hand
spookdotOP•6h ago
That is technically one of the things I already did but it probably changed now because it's not auto-mount anymore Okay just removing it did not work, so time to get my hands on libraryfolders.vdf Stopped Steam, edited it by hand, even found out that there are two of them and edited the second one the same way Checked that it was gone in Steam, rebooted, library returned anyway Okay so after re-doing this, by first removing the drive in Steam, and then checking the libraryfolders.vdf (which at that point didn't even list that library anymore) and then also removing all excess library like the one for /run/media/bazzite/FENRIR, I was finally able to actually make the unwanted library disappear Thank you very much for the help, even if this appears to be more of a Steam issue
termdisc•6h ago
yeah, it's a Steam thing not Bazzite. once Steam gets a whiff of a game drive, it'll latch on and what makes matters worse is that game mode and desktop mode mount them in slightly different ways drive/steamapps/ versus drive/SteamLibrary/steamapps/ by default
spookdotOP•6h ago
Yeah I did also remove the steamapps folder and libraryfolder.vdf from the root of FENRIR this time, so that only the one in FENRIR/SteamLibrary remained

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