Applying updates and restarting on the deck image prompts me to update again
Every time I apply an update, and restart on the deck image, it prompts me to update again. This does not happen in desktop mode when running topgrade.
Running topgrade doesn't give me any errors either.
I've read on here that some people are experiencing this issue. Is there any way to fix this on my end, or is this some known bug?
Also is it possible that the update script that steam uses might be broken, or messed up, and if so, how do I check for that?
12 Replies
go into desktop mode and update using system update, could be valve changed something or the updater produces an unintended return value and steam freaks out.
or the steam updater just misbehaves
to see what it actually does and if there are any errors just run the updater from desktop mode as annoying and unhelpful that is, the updater in steam expects a steamdeck.
if this is a handheld you can also update through hhd by double pressing the QAM button and go into the full app view by pressing Y once the hhd sidebar is open
I've had the same experience for the last three updates or so. I've never seen any error or suspicious message in the system updater. The only thing that made me wonder is that the system updater asks for the user password while the gamepad UI update doesn't, or is that just for rebooting?
Let's see if we can narrow it down to the hardware? Updates from within the Steam UI work on my Legion Go, but not on my AtomMan G1 HTPC. I have not installed or uninstalled anything special, mostly added and removed some flatpaks.
it is random as i got the error today on my legion go
But I already ran topgrade as I mentioned in my post and I am not receiving any errors.
Also, I am using a steam deck with the deck image. This is a recent issue, just like @Maskendoktor mentioned, it's not something that I have had issues with in the past. The past few updates have this problem.
Oh one more thing to mention, topgrade does require me to input my password when rebooting
Also please excuse my message being a bit messy, I'm on mobile rn
yes and the steam in gamemode expects steamdeck and steamos and is very limiting in what we can do since if valve change it to expect something new, we cannot magically conjure it up.
i can update through the steam ui fine on my htpc, not on my legion go
someone else can update fine through the steam ui on the legion go but not their htpc
when an issue is not consistent it is a lot harder to debug, especially when you dont know what the system wants, steam is not open source.
this is why we recommend using the updater in hhd on handhelds and use the desktop updater if the updater in steam is misbehaving
I understand/know that steam is not open source, however I do not know how bazzite handles updates where game mode runs topgrade when applying an update.
The problem is that updating through game mode was working fine, and it is supposed to be a feature that the distribution supports. That's why I'm asking how to fix this issue and whether it's something that I can fix in the first place.
How does bazzite run topgrade through game mode? It would be nice if you could at least explain that so that I can try debugging this on my own.
Also topgrade requiring su perms to reboot might be part of the problem....
I'm really trying to be as detailed and helpful as possible here... If you need any other information, let me know so that I can provide it.
The update function runs a process we replaced, it runs and you hope that you give steam a return value or an output that it wants.
Gamemode triggers sudo through polkit rules.
@HikariKnight thank you for the explanation, that's really helpful. What might be some factors that could result in a return value to be different on a steam deck? I flashed this image maybe a few weeks ago.
Also what do you mean by hdd, excuse my ingorance but I did not understand what you meant by double pressing the quick access menu button and going into full appview by pressing y once....
The issue started showing up this week iirc, steam does slow rollouts sometimes.
Issue is inconsistent, the same device may or may not have the issue.
There's have been 0 changes in the update process on our end.
We want to move away from the steam updater anyway since it's unreliable and not flexible (can't change changelogs so people keep asking why they have to re apply the same update each time and we have explained this for 2 years now that the steam updater has valves changelogs hard coded)
I'm going to bed it's like 4 am here
Alright, thank you. Good night.
If anyone else is willing to help, please feel free to chip in.
@HikariKnight HDD isn't available on the steam deck, so this wouldn't work btw
I am still experiencing this issue. Unsure on what to do right now. I'm running the steam deck gnome image on an actual steam deck yet I'm receiving the same error. I cannot run HDD on my deck, because it's not supported.
I don't want to have to reboot into desktop mode to update each time and then enter the password in order to update my deck. This is frustrating.