Regarding refunds
I was thinking of buying the new neptune phantom, and I heard that valorant usually allows you 1 refund even if you use it and upgrade it. I just want to confirm incase I get a skin I want better in my itemshop and decide to return the phantom. Is this true?
5 Replies
No u can't refund it if u upgrade or use the skin in game
Yeah but I heard in many videos that they usually grant a 1 time exception
Also asking cause I might want to get something from my night market if I get something good
i dont think night market skins get refunds cuz theyre sold at a discounted rate. as for refunding a skin u bought, u can only do it if u have NOT upgraded it or used it iirc
They scraped that long ago
It is not an option anymore
alr well i got the skin
neptune phantom yay