Last click on "System update" killed my OS
Hey there,
today I installed Bazzite again. I am very new to Linux and toddling around with som different distros. When I finished to install all the things and do the stuff i normally do when I finish an installation I clicked on "system update" it downloaded all the stuff and I rebootet. On the Foto you can see what happened (
System is running on a Ryzen 7 5800X with 64 GB of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER.
I had to roll back. And I have no idea what the sproblem causes - tell me when you need further information - I have no idea what informations you need so just tell me and I will find them out and post 'em.
I have an eye on the new NVIDIA driver but not shure.
thank you so far
10 Replies
iirc what we heard is that the new nvidia driver causes issues with gamemode (again)
this is why nvidia-deck is beta at best
okay, so i leave the system for now as it is? unupdated?
pretty much sadly, pin the current image so you have it and then just try again in the future
as i dont think we can pin nvidia drivers
are you on bazzite testing? i think only the testing branch was affected so if you are on the stable branch you shouldnt get updates
chore(ci): Temporarily disable Nvidia Deck builds (Jensen ate all t...
… leather, we are trying to source more)
I am not on bazzit testing. Or I even think so. I just filled the questions on the website and installed on my pc - so idk. I totally keep the image. What makes me curious is, that I don't find anything on the internet about pproblems like mine - so I always think I'm the only one with that problem. And being a beginner makes the stuff more spicy
well i would recommend you pin the image you have then
Rolling Back System Updates - Bazzite Documentation
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices.
then you can just do
ujust toggle-updates
to disable auto updates so you can test at a later time with a new buildWell thank you very much for your input but I downloaded and installed Bazzite today ... no yesterday night and seem to have a good build. think i am not gonna change it atm. i reinstalles about 2 hours ago but man, when you are a hopper like me - you are fast to make it work after installing 🤣 ... just kidding- still tring to find my distro of choice and working wit bazzite atm cause it works. and it seems to work safely - so yeah.
Linux is a project for me, or a journey - here I can make what I want and just reinstall when something goes wrong ... a littlebit of a sandbox or playground ... with much to learn 😮
true, i have my own bazzite image with small changes to improve it for use on my main desktop that i cant really include in the main image (not everyone runs a threadripper last i checked, although i just swapped that one out so my image is less relevant now)
but its good for me for testing reasons
As an absolute noob I can say the steps Linux took are insane. As a gamer I can play nearly anything I want on Linux like on Windows - and gaming is my main focus. That's insane - sure I have a Windows partition to boot when I'm on my limit and need to get something running - but I think thats b because I am an a noob - Windows 11 is just a few months away - so let's rock this. First I have to dismiss the feeling of being alone with problems. That's the hardest part - cause I don't find any solutions online in the most of the time. Sometime I would love to talk to a Linux pro as a noob and clear some things without making a university exam. But I think we get there too ... but tm there is the problem that you fear to ask because of the nerds that are 100 times more into Linux then you.