Counter Strafe not working
When I try counter strafing it dosent work. It works with my W and S key but not my A and D. When I press A and then D it instead switches where im going. Say I press and go to the left, if I press D it takes me to the right instead of stopping. I know I have to press both at the same time.
6 Replies
ur supposed to tap d
or s
wdym u have to press both at the same time
have u even searched up how to counter strafe in valorant or am I tripping
no you know when you counterstrafe you press your moving key then the opposite
it dosent work
for example
when i press d
the opposite key is a
so in valorant
when i press d it moves right so it should stop moving right or stop moving at all when i press a
but instead when i do that it dosent stop and instead goes left
ur keyboard is borken
Just to be clear, what you're saying is pressing the keys in this sequence
1. D
2. Holding A without leaving D
makes you go left instead of stopping in one place?