need advice for valorant, i play mostly competetive, rarely do dms and tdms. Plat 3 last act ( 1 game away from diamond), i would say i have decent aim. This act had 1 month of huge packet loss, so stats would be incorrect from tracker. Currently gold 3 not feeling stuck or anything, will probably easily reach Plat in a few days . I have a cheap ass mouse like 5$ or something no money for better, similar case for mousepad and no keyboard. Got a decent aim but still can't get those crazymulti frags where multiple enemies come in front of u suddenly and u kill them all with headtaps with 1 bullet each unless i am in my top condition. I recently dropped a 38/15 with a crazy good ace which would be good enough for a video so i know i have the potential. I would like some aim guide or help. I do aimlabs but suck at it, i do sixshot ultimate and headshot standard/ultimate but am at 90th percentile for quite some time. How do i improve
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