Valorant Error code: VAN -79

Just started happening even after I was playing for the most part of the day. I've tried every possible guide, solution, youtube video out there for different methods to no success. The main culprit is the fact that I vgc service is not able to be started. I keep receiving the 'Windows could not start the vgc service on Local Computer. Error 1: Incorrect function.' error. Everything else I can do, from uninstalling vanguard, reinstalling vanguard -- command prompt methods. It's just that noting is solving the fact that I cannot get vgc service to start and this seems to be the main culprit. I've reached out to Riot Support for help finally. Hopefully someone is able to help me! Or if anyone has any other methods to get vgc service to work, please let me know!
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15 Replies
ChRomExtOP4d ago
@VANGUARD @VANGUARD NOT WORKING -- VGC SERVICE STILL WILL NOT START. NEED ASSISTANCE! I've also tried what the Vanguard Discord Bot recommended as well (This is the same as other guides). I kid you not, I've tried every possible guide that is out there. I have tried this. From Vanguard (APP) on Discord: "Open the Task Manager > Details tab End the task on all VALORANT, Riot Client and VANGUARD-related apps/services Open the Control Panel > Uninstall a Program Uninstall Riot VANGUARD Open CMD as Admin and type these commands: sc delete vgc sc delete vgk Navigate to your C: Drive, then Program Files Find the VANGUARD folder and delete it Open the Riot Client and click update Restart your computer after the update After you’re done with that: Press Windows key + R Type services.msc Look for vgc Right-click on vgc > Properties Change the startup type to automatic Start the services (if not started already) We will be waiting for your response, thank you." NOT WORKING -- VGC SERVICE STILL WILL NOT START. NEED ASSISTANCE! HELP!
Metamorphosis4d ago
Can you please stick up to own your ticket And stop spamming the same thing in all the other
ChRomExtOP4d ago
trying to but the problem is there is no known fix lol and then I have to potentially wait up to a full week for Riot Support to probably give me the same troubleshooting tips that I've already tried countless times. The only fixes I've seen from people are 'Reinstalling Windows' which is an absurd last resort
Metamorphosis4d ago
Have you tried reinstalling the game
ChRomExtOP4d ago
Can't gives me another error on that too
ChRomExtOP4d ago
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ChRomExtOP4d ago
I've tried absolutely every possible method or guide out there with the exception of Reinstalling Windows
Metamorphosis4d ago
So you currently don’t have Val installed?
ChRomExtOP4d ago
I do have it installed via Riot Client
Metamorphosis4d ago
Open control panel > uninstall a program And delete valorant from there
junimo4d ago
could you send me your vanguard logs located in this folder? C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs @ChRomExt
ChRomExtOP4d ago
@junimo yes, I actually uploaded them in a support ticket, but i'll attach them in a DM to you Via DM right? @junimo
junimo4d ago
thank you! yes DM works
ChRomExtOP4d ago
kk, sounds good! Update: FIXED!!! Thanks to the support and help of none other than @junimo It seems like it is most definitely an isolated issue -- case by case -- user by user If it's still not working for you and you need a fix, feel free to PM @junimo or myself!
Critcatt3d ago
@ChRomExt hey man, sorry to bother you, i saw that you had the same issue i am experiencing rn with vanguard vgc error 1, is there any chance you could tell me what you did in order to make it work?

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