19 Replies
(I didn't put everything in, I'm at 13 losses in a row)
looks like a skill issue to me
nah bro smurfs at its peak
after a while if a boost is needed to enjoy playing I wouldn't hesitate for a second
I've never been so disgusted by the game, it's scary
hes saying he would get boosted if it means he can enjoy the game 💀
bro will only get in harder lobbies
how will he enjoy the game if getting boosted means he will play in harder lobbies
this math doesnt makes sense
sounds like radiant lobbies are easier than iron or bronze
yeah fr i got boosted over a year ago by some friends and hated the game so much bc it was too difficult but i can play in the lobbies now so its fine but wouldnt do it again
can you help me pls
with what
duo with me ?
it's not a boost, just play with me
Bro will recognize that the problem is not the team
bro its just a "have fun while it lasts"
or hes getting rank to flex
Wont last a sec
affirmative zir