Controller detected, but not installed?

I have 3 input controllers, a joystick, a throttle and rudder pedals (1 axis only), 2 of which are detected and show up in Game Controller as well as in games, but the the third one, the rudder pedals only show up in lsusb, and I believe I also see it as js0 under /dev/input/ The rudder pedals work fine in windows, and others have reported that they work in their Linux distros. I am brand new to Linux and I am lost as to how to proceed. Any help appreciated.
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@HikariKnight I found a solution from some helpful DCS flight simmers: 1. I made a udev rule in: /etc/udev/rules.d/98-virpil.rules By using the command "lsusb" in a terminal, I could find the correct id's for my rudder pedals, and I entered it into the 98-virpil.rules file like so:...
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13 Replies
HikariKnightβ€’5d ago
install oversteer, its the only thing that supports steering wheels and stuff i dont own any so i cant help past that
MidtiOPβ€’5d ago
Ok, I will try that. Thanks for the quick reply!
HikariKnightβ€’5d ago
np, not all steering wheels are supported though but oversteer is the best we have
MidtiOPβ€’5d ago
Yeah, they are rudder pedals for flightsim, but I guess they can be interpreted as a wheel, since it's just 1 axis. πŸ€”
HikariKnightβ€’5d ago
open terminal and run ujust install-oversteer or try their flatpak (i believe they have one) try the flatpak first though no idea, i only know about the steering wheels and such πŸ˜…
MidtiOPβ€’5d ago
I installed the flatpack. Does not show up in devices.. tried unplugging and plugging back in. Strange the 2 other devices from the same company works. They have an onboard EEPROM, and the firmware is flashed and up to date in windows.
HikariKnightβ€’5d ago
i dont know then sorry, im not familiar with any sim hardware sadly (lack of space and all that)
MidtiOPβ€’5d ago
Ok, thanks anyway πŸ™‚
HikariKnightβ€’5d ago
np, my expertise is more about setting up weird VMs :clueless:
MidtiOPβ€’5d ago
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Midtiβ€’5d ago
@HikariKnight I found a solution from some helpful DCS flight simmers: 1. I made a udev rule in: /etc/udev/rules.d/98-virpil.rules By using the command "lsusb" in a terminal, I could find the correct id's for my rudder pedals, and I entered it into the 98-virpil.rules file like so: Custom Joystick Udev Rules Virpil Rudder Pedals ACTION=="add", \ ATTRS{idVendor}=="3344", ATTRS{idProduct}=="01f7", \ MODE="0664", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1", TAG+="uaccess", \ RUN+="/usr/bin/evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --d 0" 2. I then unplugged my rudder pedals, and restarted the udev rules by typing: "sudo udevadm control --reload" in a terminal 3. I then replugged my rudder pedals and now it shows up and works everywhere. πŸ‘
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HikariKnightβ€’5d ago
you should contribute that udev rule i think has the udev rules
GitHub - ublue-os/config: A layer to provide configuration files (u...
A layer to provide configuration files (udev rules, service units, etc) - ublue-os/config
MidtiOPβ€’5d ago
I have never edited a github, but I can try. πŸ‘

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