"You are not allowed to delete this account" trying to delete `empty` account via API

We have a company account, which invited my personal work email but somehow when accepting that invite an empty account got created which I'd like to delete, I am the only member and superuser of that account and it is completely empty, never touched. I stumbled upon https://developers.cloudflare.com/tenant/how-to/manage-accounts/#delete-account Entered the account's id 156dac76c6a9720f9beecbd0b538a74d, my super-admin email, and after trying different api tokens which all returned Invalid format for X-Auth-Key header I tried the Global API Key from my profile page which unfortunately returns You are not allowed to delete this account So now I'm a little lost 🥺 My email is verified by the way and I searched <community.cloudflare.com>, here and the docs/support pages Also deleting this unused account would make the dashboard auto-redirect to my remaining work account 🥰
Cloudflare Docs
Manage accounts · Cloudflare Tenant docs
Each customer or team that uses Cloudflare should have their own account. This ensures proper security and access of resources. Each account acts as a container of zones and other resources. Depending on your needs, you may even provision multiple accounts for a single customer or team.
2 Replies
asuffield•5d ago
I think you wanted this: https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/subscriptions-and-billing/delete-account/ Is that the button you're after? Probably easier than figuring out why the API doesn't like your key
Cloudflare Docs
Delete your Cloudflare account · Cloudflare Fundamentals docs
If your account uses Single-Sign On (SSO), your super administrator may need to delete your account on your behalf.
CanRauOP•5d ago
I found that as well, tho Delete this user sounds pretty scary, I don't want to delete any user but just an account my user (me) manages if that makes sense. Like on the dashboard homepage https://dash.cloudflare.com/ I have 2 accounts, 1 named empty and the other one named after our company, I just want to get rid of the account empty that's literally empty and was auto created when I created the user-account to accept the company account invite 🤓

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