Hi guys, I'm new to bazzite (graphic card/driver problem

and I just installed it to an older Lenovo AIO Desktop with a NV 610M GPU ... somehow I managed install bazzite but then I ran into black screen problems not booting into desktop environtment afterwards. I need an older 390xx driver. I now it's not supporting steam properly but i'm fine with older games under Lutris and ES. How can I install the old one? I'm not familiar with the ujust commands (btw how can I list all commands pagewise?). Thanxalot in advance ...
4 Replies
dreamyuki6d ago
you need to use other distro like Debian for legacy 390 Bazzite only support Maxwell and Pascal gpu upwards
retoxOP6d ago
Hi yuki, I already installed bazzite and already entered the the Desktop … no way to install a discrete driver? It‘s a hybrid computer maybe I can use the Intel GPU?
dreamyuki6d ago
390 legacy driver is not supported
HikariKnight6d ago
no as the driver need to be supplied with the image and the one you need does not work on newer kernels, is EOL, does not support wayland and never will unless your laptop lets you turn off the nvidia gpu completely in bios, you will end up having a bad experience (and the intel igpu will also not be usable for gaming if that was your plan)

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