we also tried using an access key/secret
we also tried using an access key/secret with full access to our S3 buckets, that we currently use in our workflow, but even with that working key the setup fails
5 Replies
Hey there 👋
What region is this bucket in?
Also, make sure to use only the region code when entering in the region, e.g.
region is eu-west-1, that is the value that we entered
Hmmm, I am unable to repro this. Does the bucket have any special characters in it?
hi, just tried again with the same key (with full access to S3 bucket) and it now worked. I'll try again with the read-only key to see if it works too. thanks!
Hi, we're still having issues with the read-only access key: could you kindly confirm that, in the policy settings of the user tied to the access key, we must only grant the GetObject action permission for the selected S3 bucket?
just tried granting all read/list permissions and the key worked, so it seems that some other read permissions are necessary: in order to avoid granting them all, could you kindly tell me which are the needed ones?
You need both get and list permissions.