Reset my transformation rules or clear any stuck configuration

Issue Summary & Troubleshooting Steps Root cause: I need to retrieve my real public IP address to filter access to my admin panel in security rules. However, Cloudflare is masking the real client IP, preventing me from implementing these restrictions effectively. What was attempted? Nginx Configuration Updates: Configured real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP; Added Cloudflare’s official set_real_ip_from IP ranges Verified X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-IP, and CF-Connecting-IP values Cloudflare Tests & Adjustments: Checked Managed Transform Rules Disabled “Remove visitor IP headers” Purged Cloudflare’s cache Attempted to force CF-Connecting-IP with a new Request Header Transform Rule Current Blocking Issue: I attempted to create a rule to ensure CF-Connecting-IP is preserved. The rule got stuck in an intermediate state: It appears active on the server side but is not visible in the UI for management or deletion. When trying to recreate the same rule, Cloudflare UI gets stuck indefinitely with the "..." on the button. Additional Impact: Due to multiple tests, Cloudflare likely flagged my activity as suspicious, potentially leading to a temporary ban or restricted access. Request: Can you reset my transformation rules or clear any stuck configurations preventing me from managing CF-Connecting-IP properly?
4 Replies
ncano6d ago
try hard refresh + clear cache in your browser locally, then access Request Header Transform Rules again in the UI
ncano6d ago
you can confirm what's actually deployed via API for that phase:
Cloudflare Docs
Create an HTTP request header modification rule via API · Cloudflar...
Use the Rulesets API to create HTTP request header modification rules via API. Refer to the Rules examples gallery for common use cases.
ncano6d ago
you can also always send ip.src value using a custom header:
Cloudflare Docs
ip.src · Cloudflare Ruleset Engine docs
The client TCP IP address, which may be adjusted to reflect the actual address of the client using HTTP headers such as X-Forwarded-For or X-Real-IP.
ncano6d ago
or add it via Snippets if you prefer: ip = request.headers.get('CF-Connecting-IP'); here's similar example with bot fields:
Cloudflare Docs
Send Bot Management information to origin · Cloudflare Rules docs
Send Bots information to your origin. Refer to Bot Managenent variables for a full list of available fields.

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