Not a single device will connect

Hello there. I've gone to Niantic support and they eventually redirected me to Pokemon Company support and I know they won't help me. So I'm trying here. I have 3 different devices for Pokemon Go and NONE OF THEM will connect to my app anymore. I've restarted my phone, I've updated my phone, I've deleted and reinstalled the Go app, and I have the latest update of Go. I have a Samsung Galaxy S23. This error just came out of nowhere. It's not my devices because they all connect to my husband's app with no issues (he has an iPhone 12 I think?). I've factory reset the devices. Nothing. Works. Does ANYONE know what the heck is going on?
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lumian lee
lumian lee6d ago
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lumian lee
lumian lee6d ago
try to login with the account that linked before, which has the same ID
amesOP6d ago
I'm not having issues with Pokemon Home - it's devices I can't connect to. Pokemon Go Plus, Pokemon Ball Plus, Pokemon Go Plus +...
lumian lee
lumian lee6d ago
try resetting pokemon go plus. Press the button for longer times. When it glows blue release it an press it again long times till it vibrates. i dont know anything past that my bad
amesOP6d ago
Yeah I've tried that multiple times and it's not my devices. They connect on my hubsands phone on his app no problem. It's so strange!!

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