sagilaufer - Hello.we face this error from tim...
we face this error from time to time:
Body: {"error":{"message":{"debug":{"code":14009,"incident_id_guid":"6433d44a-e05f-4d16-bee4-7d1fe557d263","trace_id_guid":"6183611a-d391-4818-8851-4f56a0e18469","debug":"["Error Code: FAILED_TO_COMMIT Incident Id: 6433d44a-e05f-4d16-bee4-7d1fe557d263\nError Message: com.thoughtspot.atlas.AtlasException: code\u003dVERSION_CONFLICT, Node Content updated before put\u003d00000847-dfd8-6eed-1ece-645b2d2f734d"]"}}}}
it’s the same error, but not on every invocation of the SDK API.
happens when we try to get a token for user, and search metadata (answers and liveboards).
what can be done to resolve this issue?
7 Replies
We usually see this error when we are trying to do some concurrent actions for a user.
happens when we try to get a token for userAre you using auto_create as true every time you get the token for a user?
we don't use auto_create everytime
Can you check if there is any user update happening concurrently in your code. Making that sequential should help resolving the error..
user shouldn't be updated concurently, doesn't seem like there are concurrent updates
Can you DM me you cluster name?
looked again in our logs, it might be that users get updated at the same time we request those metadata. we'd resolve the updating issue on our end and seee if it help. thanks
I see I also checked your cluster's logs. I found something and I am also checking internally if there is something wrong happening in our system. Will update here. Let me know if updating users and getting metadata sequentially rather than parallely helps