DKIM - old txt rather than CNAME

Hey, Got an issue here at the moment with our DKIM, which seems to be refering to an old Google Workspace DKIM that was deleted from our CloudFlare DNS record. However when I do a NSlookup it appears to be using the old public key rather than microsoft Cname key? Selector2: C:\Users\XXX>nslookup -q=txt Server: xxxx Address: xxxx Non-authoritative answer: canonical name = text = "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAqwOGhW5w3vTC3j59hP9DeFARJRvcnzftb2bn/KNdwaUesVYIalDQXKrgi6BZZps6C/mX5Brc18JSPKuUvhuK4T//pZKX/OimvEuxHTtyTs2ij7b4CAZBvn4t8Ts+OLf2Fwx0UMd/Cm8slYHnwxnFWT9DKnXTjeLKRqHu3zxEuyE5kelzfx/kZJH/cLgFl0y48" "qozfoscVwz0qsAQzfovh/wgmeKG9090EMBrgUT6+FJ1XAcg+8nzVbBc7RnFpk0jYK/W7InBXzmLzfQiCzT9jauWsiO1wuRhStHS9bZC1BcqhQ+6JrWcydUvRfoClblNNSWD2Nc/3TsAM1izuXx9lQIDAQAB;"
24 Replies
SimonH8OP•6d ago
This happens on and it looks to be looking at an old DKIM rather than the new CNAME. I have no idea how to resolve this however our outbound email address seem to be failing dkim as this key is not the correct one.
DarkDeviL•6d ago
That DKIM record has nothing to do with Google, and is actually coming from Microsoft Office 365. "" as you can see under "Non-authoritative answer", is a canonical name (CNAME) to "". That output you're demonstrating is actually following your CNAME record, and getting the actual (final) TXT response from the record on "". (And same applies to the, both for selector1 and selector2).
SimonH8OP•6d ago
See I was under this impression however, This public key was orginally set in Google "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAqwOGhW5w3vTC3j59hP9DeFARJRvcnzftb2bn/KNdwaUesVYIalDQXKrgi6BZZps6C/mX5Brc18JSPKuUvhuK4T//pZKX/OimvEuxHTtyTs2ij7b4CAZBvn4t8Ts+OLf2Fwx0UMd/Cm8slYHnwxnFWT9DKnXTjeLKRqHu3zxEuyE5kelzfx/kZJH/cLgFl0y48" Now I don't understand why this is showing up? I'm assuming this is the reason our dkim is failing here? As this doesn't exist? I appreicate that, but I'm just going off what I've been told by Microsoft We have checked the last message header sample you gave and saw the error: DKIM=fail (body hash did not verify)", it means that the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) signature verification failed because the hash value of the email's body did not match the value stored in the DKIM signature. As previously mentioned, this would be the expected result as the DKIM records being detected and published is still the records that were from Google. The old cache records will need to be cleared out and this would be on your host provider. Unfortunately, Microsoft cannot clear these old records as we only provide the DNS records to be published. I've sent a reply over to them, stating this. However I'm under the impression they'll send it back to me. Thank you for your answer :). Microsoft are trying to blame this on CloudFlare, however I don't see it within Cloudflare, hence the question to you lot 🙂
DarkDeviL•6d ago
The phrase you did mention from them, Microsoft seem to refer to "cache records", ... ?dns-cache
SuperHelpflare•6d ago
DNS cache Resolving DNS entries is complex and involves many parties (your browser, your operating system, your router and then your ISP's resolver). Any and all of these intermediaries can potentially cache your DNS request and serve stale content, even though you just updated it. Quick fixes: 1. Use a different browser 2. Restart your PC 3. Change your DNS from your ISP's to Cloudflare's:
DarkDeviL•6d ago
COULD maybe be related as well, if they checked the records just before they were added, then the fact that they didn't exist when they originally checked it, could be cached for a little while. Both actual existing DNS records, as well as non-existing DNS records will be cached. In that case, there's no other ways than to wait a while, and try again.
SimonH8OP•6d ago
I think this issue has been an issue since we moved from Google Workspace to Microsoft and I've not noticed. We removed the public key which came from Google Workspace over 5 months ago, so I'm not sure as to why this is caching. But we'll see what Microsoft say to the response. Thank you again for assisting me
DarkDeviL•6d ago
It won't be the Google record that is interfering in any way, when we're talking that long time... Also, normally, Google is using "google" as it's default selector, compared to Microsoft which takes "selector1" and "selector2", so unless you can demonstrate otherwise, I wouldn't suspect they are related at all. Anyway, there are various online checkers you can check by sending a message to, to see what they actually see. That may be worth a try... Sending a message to the Port25 (now Postmark) tool, - [email protected]. Sending a message to the tool, - using the generated address on their website. Just to mention two examples.
SimonH8OP•6d ago
Sorry, I'm talking about the Public Key "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAqwOGhW5w3vTC3j59hP9DeFARJRvcnzftb2bn/KNdwaUesVYIalDQXKrgi6BZZps6C/mX5Brc18JSPKuUvhuK4T//pZKX/OimvEuxHTtyTs2ij7b4CAZBvn4t8Ts+OLf2Fwx0UMd/Cm8slYHnwxnFWT9DKnXTjeLKRqHu3zxEuyE5kelzfx/kZJH/cLgFl0y48" This key is Google Workspace rather than Microsoft The selector1 etc is Microsoft.
DarkDeviL•6d ago
No, that key is NOT Google Workspace, as we've told you several times now.
SimonH8OP•6d ago
Oh okay, I was under the impression that this is Google Workspace as I found this key within an old TXT record that was removed a while ago.
SimonH8OP•6d ago
This key was the same as the public key but I have generated a new record last week to see if I can clear it some how
No description
SimonH8OP•6d ago
It was the same key which is why it making me believe its was from google.
DarkDeviL•6d ago
How exactly are you getting those two to be the same? 1. What about "p=MIIBIj" (Microsoft) versus "p=MIGfMA" (Google)?
SimonH8OP•6d ago
I've regenerated it hence why it isn't the same now. But it was the extact same
DarkDeviL•6d ago
2. What about "goggle._domainkey" versus "selector._domainkey"? It is NOT going to be the exact same from two different email providers.. You're going to have to look a little better at it, comparing from character to character...
SimonH8OP•6d ago
Okay I appericate that 🙂 thank you, I've replied to Microsoft I'll see what they said however the last time I spoke to them, They stated that they only provide the CNAME and then this is hosted within a DNS provider (CloudFlare) in mycase.
DarkDeviL•6d ago
The CNAME is added on your DNS provider, yes. But a CNAME tells the requestor to make another query, towards the target of that CNAME record.
SimonH8OP•6d ago
Thank you this is information that I didn't really know. DNS is not my strong point :D. I'll pass this information over to Microsoft and ask them to investigate it on their side.•6d ago
DNS over Discord: TXT records TXT @ +noall +answer
selector2._domainkey.mantrasystems. | 300s | selector2
com | | -mantrasy
| | stems-com
| | ._domaink
| | ey.mantra
| | systems.o
| | nmicrosof
| |
selector2-mantrasystems-com._domain | 3,600s | "v=DKIM1; | | k=rsa; p
| | BgkqhkiG9
| | qwOGhW5w3
| | vTC3j59hP
| | 9DeFARJRv
| | cnzftb2bn
| | /KNdwaUes
| | rgi6BZZps
| | 6C/mX5Brc
| | 18JSPKuUv
| | huK4T//pZ
| | KX/OimvEu
| | xHTtyTs2i
| | j7b4CAZBv
| | n4t8Ts+OL
| | f2Fwx0UMd
| | /Cm8slYHn
| | wxnFWT9DK
| | nXTjeLKRq
| | Hu3zxEuyE
| | 5kelzfx/k
| | ZJH/cLgFl
| | 0y48""qoz
| | foscVwz0q
| | sAQzfovh/
| | wgmeKG909
| | 0EMBrgUT6
| | +FJ1XAcg+
| | 8nzVbBc7R
| | nFpk0jYK/
| | W7InBXzmL
| | zfQiCzT9j
| | auWsiO1wu
| | RhStHS9bZ
| | C1BcqhQ+6
| | JrWcydUvR
| | foClblNNS
| | WD2Nc/3Ts
| | AM1izuXx9
| | "
selector2._domainkey.mantrasystems. | 300s | selector2
com | | -mantrasy
| | stems-com
| | ._domaink
| | ey.mantra
| | systems.o
| | nmicrosof
| |
selector2-mantrasystems-com._domain | 3,600s | "v=DKIM1; | | k=rsa; p
| | BgkqhkiG9
| | qwOGhW5w3
| | vTC3j59hP
| | 9DeFARJRv
| | cnzftb2bn
| | /KNdwaUes
| | rgi6BZZps
| | 6C/mX5Brc
| | 18JSPKuUv
| | huK4T//pZ
| | KX/OimvEu
| | xHTtyTs2i
| | j7b4CAZBv
| | n4t8Ts+OL
| | f2Fwx0UMd
| | /Cm8slYHn
| | wxnFWT9DK
| | nXTjeLKRq
| | Hu3zxEuyE
| | 5kelzfx/k
| | ZJH/cLgFl
| | 0y48""qoz
| | foscVwz0q
| | sAQzfovh/
| | wgmeKG909
| | 0EMBrgUT6
| | +FJ1XAcg+
| | 8nzVbBc7R
| | nFpk0jYK/
| | W7InBXzmL
| | zfQiCzT9j
| | auWsiO1wu
| | RhStHS9bZ
| | C1BcqhQ+6
| | JrWcydUvR
| | foClblNNS
| | WD2Nc/3Ts
| | AM1izuXx9
| | "
diggy diggy hole
DarkDeviL•6d ago
From the above, what you literally see is: 1. Can I have the TXT for 2. (Cloudflare) Please ask instead! 3. Can I have the TXT for 4. (Microsoft) The TXT for is "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIj..." With the "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIj..." being supplied to you directly by Microsoft's DNS.
SimonH8OP•6d ago
We don't have TXT records we only use CNAMEs. should this be a TXT rather than a CNAME?
No description
DarkDeviL•6d ago
CNAME records are simply aliases, that say "Go to this other location, to try to get the information you want". Keep them as they are right now. And keep disturbing Microsoft Support, if you continue to see issues.
SimonH8OP•6d ago
Thank you matey 🙂

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