12 Replies
how did you prepare your installation media?
My rog ally don't recognize any pendrive so i have created a partition on my ssd and put the archives there
that is quite a use case that should be disclosed up front
how have you attempted to set up a pen drive?
I have prepared with rufus in my pc and just plugged in the deck with a otg adapter
I'd try prepping that drive with Ventoy instead
I'll try that
How do i use ventoy without a usb drive?
use a USB drive
My rog ally dont recognize usb drives
contact Asus for warranty support if it cannot read from USB
there's no reasonable way that it would be refusing to read USB drives unless there is a major hardware fault.
this is also why I suggested to use Ventoy in the event that you didn't set up your drive correctly with Rufus. Rufus might not play nice with Linux ISOs like that
otherwise, it's whatever adapter you're using to connect your drive to your Ally
I have moded my battery so probably no more warranty I'll need to use windows probably
How did you even partition your drive if your USB port is defective?
It would also be real hard to use an Ally if USB wasn’t working because that’s how power is provided
sorry, this is something we're not gonna support
combo of user error and doing things way, way out of the norm