Network RTT + Processing Delay
How much does it impact my game play or does it not? How much would a minimum of 43-50 on a avg and 60-70 in quite some matches affect mine
7 Replies
um well
i see ppl play on 43 and 50 all the time
idk what ur asking me
are u running into issues?
this is normal ? cuz i see most people play on 0-10
also saw a video of a guy saying it should max be 10 or so
though his steps didn't help me
ok would you mind answering some questions?
who is your isp
what region you play on
what servers do you play on
and what country are you from
it depends on how far you are from the server
if you play in sydney and you live in sydney you can expect low ping
but if you live in like new zealand, youd experience higher ping like 30-40
nothing u can do to drastically reduce it eg to 10ms because of how fibre optic cables work. your data is essentially being sent at the speed of light. its just the distance causes the increase in ping
Ping and network rtt r 2 different things though ?
nah its not
ping is just like an estimate of the network rtt
my ping is 24-28 sometimes 30
my isp is like my university and it's in my university so not far
and the server is in my country itself too so good ping is easily achieveable
APAC mumbai ( india) region and server