Hi all, just started using workflows.
Hi all, just started using workflows. Overall, extremely rad.
Something baffling me is the __LOCAL_DEV_STEP_OUTPUTS and what the equivalent would be from a deployed workflow? obvs I can trial-and-error this, but I wanted to ID documentation on this vs. "production" outputs 😄
4 Replies
like, is there zero visibility in prod unless I update a DO or something?
If no one replies, I will assume 'yes'
sorry if this isnt quiet what you're looking for since I can't find what
does in the docs...
You can get the status of a workflow using the workers api
and of course the dashboard displays a bunch of useful info, which I believe is all queryable using GraphQLnear as I can tell, it's a properly that's only available through miniflare locally that gives you visibility into the returned payload of each step (if any)
ah, then I believe that would be available via graphql
if you only need the output of the steps after the whole workflow is finished, then you could probably put those in the output for the whole workflow too