Customizing GNOME?

This may be a dumb question Is it possible to theme GNOME with GTK themes? I have GNOME tweaks installed, but when I try to apply a theme, it barely does anything except maybe change the colors of the top bar and nothing else Am I stuck with the very limited customizations?
3 Replies
HikariKnight2w ago
gnome is a mess of GTK and libadwaita themes and shell themes gnome is kinda limited in themeing from what i remember i use kde myself atm though someone using gnome would know more than me
onedeadhero2w ago
open bar is an extension that is basically black magic as far as gnome customization goes
onedeadhero2w ago
here's a reddit thread with a couple examples of what it can do
From the gnome community on Reddit: Open Bar - Quick Update: Now su...
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