14 Replies
Note for OP
+solved @user1 @user2...
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.diazonium ka N2 is a very good leaving group since N2 gas is very stable
so nitrogen pretty much leaves at the slightest disturbance
Cl(-) isnt attached to C6H5N2(+), so the H from OH makes HCl
which laves us with C2H5O(-)
that resonates to become CH3CHO
H from OH(ethanol)?
how C2H5O- resonates to become CH3CHO?
yeh no it doesnt my bad got confused
it implies that the alcohol got oxidised somehow
redox rx?
not sure where the acetaldehyde came from but everything else seems to make sense 🤷♂️
ill wait for someone else to answer
ping me if you find one
Chemistry Stack Exchange
Mechanism of reaction of benzenediazonium chloride with ethanol to ...
In my textbook, all that was told was that ethanol is a mild reducing agent and hence reduces BDC while oxidising itself. Is there any mechanism or am I just supposed to remember this like a redox
This helps
I think
Got it,Thanks @Opt
ah, perfect
yeah mark this as solved
+ solved @Opt
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