root mean speed
in root 3rt/M isnt M the total since 1g of He is given in ques shouldnt M1 be 1 only

12 Replies
@Gyro Gearloose
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Since you're taking hydrogen gas, you have a diatomic gas
u can also think of it this way , if i take 1kg of Hydrogen and 1g of hydrogen under same conditions and ignoring micro interacctions it will have same rms
so M cant be total mass
and anyways it is molar mass
but its helium
Oh crap I misread. Should be 4
I guess something cancelled
yeah but i read this

is this wrong then
Yeah, that's if you use pressure. If you have RT, you need to account for the number of moles, so the denominator basically becomes mass/n = molar mass
ohh got it thanks....and it should be 4 instead of 2 in the solution right
+solved @Opt @Gamertug
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