universal ssl will not reissue
hello! i am very new to all of this, and i am trying to get a webpage set up with google console (i bought my domain there, and thats where i will be hosting my pages) but i was having issues with the google ssl, so ive been trying to have cloudflare manage it instead. i had it up to the point where my computer could access all the domain variations (plain, www, http, https) but all other devices have issues with the connection not being secure. I did a bunch of troubleshooting, but nothing has worked. I want to completely reset my universal ssl certificate, but even deleting the domain from my cloudflare account does not actually delete it, every time i re-add it it immediately goes active instead of pending to reissue it, and no matter what i do i just cant seem to make it reissue the certificate. any help with forcefully reissuing it would be much appreciated! Thanks!! Isabel
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(also kind of the main issue with it is that no matter what i try, the site will not recognize the cloudflare certificate, it always says the google one (*.storage.googleapis.com) )
i am going to try to start over with a domain from cloudflare itself, and im hoping that itll make things work! i will repost if im having the same issues again.