waves 3

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13 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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hardcoreisdeadOP2w ago
a=AW^2 se A nikalna hai then R=2Asinkx with x=l/2 am i correct? ,rotate
TeXit2w ago
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hardcoreisdeadOP2w ago
this gives ans as 10^-3 m given ans is 5 * 10^-4m
Why 2A? Wouldn't the amplitude of vibration be A only?
hardcoreisdeadOP2w ago
interfering wave eqn se 2A
hardcoreisdeadOP2w ago
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Dexter2w ago
Aare but if you'll apply a = w²A in this then you'll get the desired amplitude no need to multiply it by 2 You'll get 2A straight away because maximum point pe Acceleration at the top most point would be w²A where A is the amplitude of the "standing wave" not the constituent waves
hardcoreisdeadOP2w ago
what why why doesnt my method work
Dexter2w ago
Because you connected something that is not related to that question You thought that the amplitude you're getting is on the constituent wave but no the amplitude you're getting is of the standing wave
hardcoreisdeadOP2w ago
hmm right i mixed up few concepts +solved @Dexter
iTeachChem Helper
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