Custom posquantum certificates

I am interested in exploring post quantum certificates, I wonder whether I can use my own hybrid certificates to establish mTLS connections.
5 Replies
eum602OP2w ago
some from cloudflare that could help me clarifying this please?
Dubz2w ago
I'd have a look at this in regards to using custom certificates with Cloudflare. In short, you need to be a Business or Enterprise customer before you can use any custom certs with Cloudflare.
Cloudflare Docs
Custom certificates · Cloudflare SSL/TLS docs
Custom certificates are meant for Business and Enterprise customers who want to use their own SSL certificates.
Dubz2w ago
Cloudflare Docs
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) · Cloudflare SSL/TLS docs
Get an overview of how Cloudflare is deploying post-quantum cryptography to protect you against harvest now, decrypt later.
eum602OP2w ago
great, thanks for you help @Dubz , so to sum up my understanding, the certificates I can configure with an enterprise/business account are the ones that will be used in between cloudflare and the client connecting to it. Can you please confirm whether custom certificates are hybrid and what type of signature algorithm (ML-DSA)?
Dubz2w ago
I wouldn't know. I'd suggest having a read over the second link and it might better answer, or wait for someone who does know to chime in here. AFAIK it's not a huge topic of discussion, but I would be interested in learning more about these types of certs.

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