Stream API mismatch with CloudFlare Stream page

Hello folks, Im using the stream API to upload videos, we are currently in testing phase, so I usually delete all videos using the SDK before uploading a bunch of videos. However, after several 30-37 seconds videos (15-16MB) uploaded, I get the following:
{"result":null,"success":false,"errors":[{"code":10011,"message":"Storage capacity exceeded: You have exceeded your allocated storage quota. Delete videos or purchase more minutes to continue uploading content."}],"messages":[{"code":10011,"message":"You have uploaded 1080.00 minutes and are allocated 1000 minutes."}]}
{"result":null,"success":false,"errors":[{"code":10011,"message":"Storage capacity exceeded: You have exceeded your allocated storage quota. Delete videos or purchase more minutes to continue uploading content."}],"messages":[{"code":10011,"message":"You have uploaded 1080.00 minutes and are allocated 1000 minutes."}]}
when I go to stream dashboard page, I can see:
Storage Capacity
You have 27 videos in your Stream library.
You have 15 minutes of video content in your Stream library.
Your storage capacity is 1,000 minutes (98% remaining).
Storage Capacity
You have 27 videos in your Stream library.
You have 15 minutes of video content in your Stream library.
Your storage capacity is 1,000 minutes (98% remaining).
Im wondering, is there a mismatch between the API and the dashboard? and what happens to deleted videos? do you actually delete them or they are just hidden? Thanks in advance!
2 Replies
KoshOP2w ago
I even have this function:
async deleteAllVideos() {
const videos = await{
account_id: this.accoundId,

await Promise.all( =>!, {
account_id: this.accoundId,

await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
const verifyVideos = await{
account_id: this.accoundId,

if (verifyVideos.result.length > 0) {
throw new Error("Videos not fully deleted")
async deleteAllVideos() {
const videos = await{
account_id: this.accoundId,

await Promise.all( =>!, {
account_id: this.accoundId,

await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
const verifyVideos = await{
account_id: this.accoundId,

if (verifyVideos.result.length > 0) {
throw new Error("Videos not fully deleted")
Which guarentee that no videos are there and passes with flying flags. Hi folks any comments regards this? its rather urgent for us.
Vero2w ago
Hi @Kosh can you please share your account ID and some video IDs?

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