sagilaufer - Hello. 2 questions for the SDK usa...

Hello. 2 questions for the SDK usage: - is there an automatic retry mechanism? i.e. if for example search_users fail, will the SDK retry without me having to add functions for it in my code, or a single API failure means the SDK function fails? - are there rate limits for the SDK? do requests for specific users, using a generated token, are counted separately WRT rate limits?
4 Replies
utsav.kapoor2w ago
@sagilaufer - Just to clarify , we are talking about ?
Api sdk for thoughtspot's public v2 rest api. Latest version: 2.11.1, last published: 20 days ago. Start using @thoughtspot/rest-api-sdk in your project by running npm i @thoughtspot/rest-api-sdk. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @thoughtspot/rest-api-sdk.
sagilauferOP7d ago
utsav.kapoor6d ago
1. Currently we do not have a retry mechanism. Can you elaboarate more on how retyr will help you ? 2. We are working on rate limiting API Calls and its a work in progress. I dont have timelines as of now for this though
sagilauferOP6d ago
a retry may help, if there's an error due to a temporary issue, that if retried within a few seconds gets sorted our by itself. we do see that some API calls tend to not always work on a first try, but do on a consecutive one. auto retry may resolve such issues

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