How to bypass the upload limit?
Hi, how can we configure a bypass rule to avoid the upload limit (free tier)?
13 Replies
Cloudflare Docs
Default Cache Behavior · Cloudflare Cache (CDN) docs
Cloudflare respects the origin web server’s cache headers in the following order unless an Edge Cache TTL cache rule overrides the headers. Refer to the Edge TTL section for details on default TTL behavior.
Thanks for the replies, but can you tell me how to configure a bypass? I have a upload page at and uploads should not be proxied. I have tried cache rules to bypass filetypes but this doesn't seem to work.
With a A DNS record the upload hangs at 99.96% (700mb file)
need a unproxied record / direct ip
or stream your file in chunks
gotta make sure that you're still following cloudflare tos
I have A DNS record with the upload URL pointing to the domain IP, or do you mean a second IP is required? How can I enable chunk streaming?
We want to bypass the upload
does the record have the orange cloud
Is DNS only
then there shouldn't be any issue
at least not on cloudflares side
With these settings the upload gets stuck, no error message.
:akarishrug: not a cloudflare issue
dns only means cloudflare doesn't interact with your connection in any way that would interfere with your upload
I have checked and the upload is still going through the reverse proxy. With a reverse proxy, do I need different settings for a A DNS?
Or can this be done through a Cache Rule for file types?
no, for that you'd need enterprise.
For both? A DNS not working with a reverse proxy?