Minecraft server domain hosting

So i just bought a domain with the intention of using to for my minecraft server to avoid handing my ip out to those im not as familiar with but i saw that theres a waiting period before the server allows the dns to go through, is there any way to check when its up beside just repeatedly testing the connection on my server?
7 Replies
Laudian3d ago
What? I have no idea what waiting period you are talking about, but a domain doesn't help you hide your IP, it just makes it easier for other people to type.
DefendedAuraOP3d ago
My bad, I thought since it went through the cloud flare servers and they provided a proxy it prevented others from seeing the up, and all the guides I had read said that there was a waiting period before it would start working
Laudian3d ago
You can hide your IP with Cloudflare, but it's a farily expensive addon to use with Minecraft. There's no waiting period.
DefendedAuraOP3d ago
Hm alright, thanks for the info I'll attempt to troubleshoot on my end
Laudian3d ago
Make your that your DNS record is set to DNS-Only, not Proxied.
Idle3d ago
dns propagation time perhaps?
andrew_nyr3d ago
some people's dns cache times are very long

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