Cloudflare WAF and Zero Trust using non-Cloudflare registrar?
I have some domains through NetSol and want to use zero trust, tunnels, and waf features. Is this possible without me having to manage another registrar?
6 Replies
ofc. as long as nameservers are pointed to cloudflare
Happen to have any documentation you can point me towards? Want to make sure I have a zone for the domains I repoint.
Are you looking for anything specific? Your question is kind of broad.
want to update my netsol domain to use cloudflare dns servers
This is a good start:
Cloudflare Docs
Getting started concepts · Cloudflare Learning Paths
Learn how Cloudflare works, so you can understand more about how Cloudflare can benefit and affect your domain.
Ended up getting what I need. Thanks all!