Ways to wear ties in (biz)-casual fits

I'm getting some knitted ties from a friend who knits and I'm basically looking for inspo pics and maybe a how-to on how to actually tie them in a more casual way. Currently in uni and no one wears ties or dress shirts, so how do I wear it without looking too much like I'm yearning for working in finance
5 Replies
Look at the Drakes instagram page
couple of personal examples
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Jeans and a non blazer jacket is a good place to start
zeometer5d ago
seconding art imo the method of tying won't do much unless you do a bow https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1116800072093532191/1232734767779418152, and even then it's a matter of wearing more casual stuff in tandem
Oxford cloth shirts, mid rise denim, casual jackets, suede shoes/loafers, dad cap, etc. Texture and color variation are your friends here, knit ties gove you a great ability to really lean into more heavy handed textures and more muted/worn in colors

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