Handheld daemon after rebasing to desktop mode

Hi everyone, I have a Legion Go and was testing the gaming image. After a few days I found myself needing to switch to desktop mode more often than not and was suggested to set it as default by rebasing. Problem is that rebasing from handheld to Desktop has taken handheld daemon with it. I've tried enabling it and reinstalling it but I'm facing these error messages. Any way I can solve this without having to reinstall the image?
silver@bazzite:~$ sudo dnf copr enable hhd-dev/hhd --force
ERROR: If you are reading this you have made a mistake and need to read our documentation
silver@bazzite:~$ sudo systemctl enable -- hdd@silver
Failed to enable unit: Unit [email protected] does not exist
silver@bazzite:~$ sudo dnf copr enable hhd-dev/hhd --force
ERROR: If you are reading this you have made a mistake and need to read our documentation
silver@bazzite:~$ sudo systemctl enable -- hdd@silver
Failed to enable unit: Unit [email protected] does not exist
5 Replies
wolfyreload2w ago
I have a different solution for you but I've only tested it on the bazzite-deck and not the bazzite-gnome-deck image. https://discord.com/channels/1072614816579063828/1334405906246537236/1334551548507852840 You essentially enable the login screen and can select if you want big picture mode or desktop mode. Which works really well if your handheld is always docked and you using it as a desktop. Which will also have handheld daemon installed. To answer your question though, sudo dnf5 copr enable hhd-dev/hhd don't use dnf in Bazzite.
antheas2w ago
Use the installer script in the repo Do not layer it
silverOP4d ago
Thanks to both for the speedy answers, I will report back with the results in case someone else finds this problem in the future! Thank you for all the help! In the end it seems that rebasing to the desktop version and then back to the deck version broke handheld demon too much Reinstalling on the dual-boot drive didn't work. The easy fix was destinating the whole drive to Bazzite and re-installing everything. It then worked perfectly! Thanks you for the script! Read through it and applied what was suggested and I was able to log in in Desktop mode by default
wolfyreload4d ago
Thanks for the feedback. It might be worth adding it to the docs.
HikariKnight3d ago
nvm discord loaded all the messages after i sent mine :clueless:

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