getting 1042 error from calling a "fetch" call within my React Router application
I'm deploying my React Router (version 7 latest) application as a Worker and it doesn't allow me to fetch an endpoint which is exactly what I need because I'm adding Cache-Control headers to make it incredibly fast
I need this to be this way because there are many JOINs involved when calling this endpoint, I want to cache and revalidate, not compute every time.
what's the recommendation here? understood that it's about security, but then what? I need my native WebAPIs and techniques to work, right?
5 Replies
1042 should only ever be returned if you're fetching the origin for
Which, won't do what you expect if you think that'll return a cache-control header
Can you give more context on what you're trying to do and where?
here is the full ordeal:
context: React Router 7 application, just migrated from Remix, in which context said problem was not existent. Only after the migration it has arised. I also had to go from deploying to Pages to Workers, as recommended in Discord by the React Router team
I have a home page which renders a list of products. This products are gotten via a
call to this endpoint ( like this
this is the code for the /products/get
as you can see it's a simple flow, in my head this should be completely possible. I mean, every call is isolated from each other, what would be the purpose I wonder if this is not allowed
this is the wrapper function to be reused when calling this endpoint, very simple as well
i'm thinking about replacing such caching capabilities with KV but I would prefer relying on web technologies the most i can, to be honestSo yeah, you're trying to fetch behind the Worker but there's nothing behind Workers on
Are you just trying to fetch from a different path within your Worker? You should just invoke a function for that rather than try to do a fetch call
and cache wouldn't be applied either way here as Workers are before cache
So basically I think the flow will be:
* home page calls loader func for productsGet
* loader for products get has a cache API match call
* if hit, return cached products
* if miss, get the products, put into the cache and return
and cache wouldn't be applied either way here as Workers are before cachereally good to know, I noticed problems before where the cache wouldn't HIT even after just a few days, even having the highest TTL value possible (which is about a month or year, I don't remember) two more questions if possible one: for caching you are recommending KV or what? two: would it ever a
header work with a Worker? under which circumstance?KV works too but cache API works too -
for 2, we use it for external requests, we'll cache the response for those and it's also read when inserting into cache