I have mee stubbornly fighting this error on a Cloudflare Workers Slack app for over 5 hours :(
I could use some help. I'm experiencing a very frustrating error at the moment that I can't seem to find any documentation or a source for. All I'm getting in the Cloudflare Logs for my Slack app is:
Which doesn't tell me anything, because essentially copying the example from the
documentation exactly. The only thing I've been thinking that could be an issue is that apparently Slack doesn't respect JSON? This might be an old issue but apparently in 2017, the WebAPI doesn't support application/json
. And I'm finding issues about this error up until 2024 that essentially just say the token isn't being passed. The problem is that the docs for the slack-cloudflare-workers
docs don't say anything about special issues you may run into passing the token, and just give a barebones example.
The error I also get on the webpage is this:
So something isn't getting passed, I just can't figure out what, and if it's a quirk of being an edge SDK or if it's something I messed up. Currently I only have set this URL set up as my redirect URL in the dashboard:
- https://[redacted].workers.dev/slack/oauth_redirect
And the events are getting the challenge param fine, so that's ok, but something is not letting me auth and install.
slack-cloudflare-workers/docs/oauth_app.md at main · slack-edge/sla...
Slack app development framework for Cloudflare Workers - slack-edge/slack-cloudflare-workers
Stack Overflow
Slack WebAPI fails with not_authed
I'm attempting to post interactive messages to slack as a Bot User (using chat.postMessage, etc).
Although I am passing in the Bot Access Token (as received from the initial OAuth) I keep getting an
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