we use the API for resetting password for users, via the SDK, and when choosing passwords we keep getting that they violate the password policy.
how can we change the policy, or at least review it, so we can choose passwords for our users that aren't shared?
1 Reply
Hi @sagilaufer : Here is the password policy. We don't have this policy configurable
The password must:
• Be at least 8 characters long.
• Include characters from at least three of the following categories:
• Lowercase letters (e.g., a-z)
• Uppercase letters (e.g., A-Z)
• Numbers (e.g., 0-9)
• Special characters (e.g., ~!@#$%^&_-+=|(){}[]:;”’<>,.?/`)
lower = "(?=.\p{Ll})";
upper = "(?=.\p{Lu})";
digit = "(?=.\p{Digit})";
special = "(?=.[~!@#$%^&_\-+=`|\(){}\[\]:;"'<>,.?/])";
anyLetter = "(?=.\p{Lo})";
length = "(?=^.{8,})";
regex = length + "((" + lower + upper + digit + ")|(" + lower + upper + special + ")|"
+ "(" + lower + upper + anyLetter + ")|(" + lower + digit + special + ")|"
+ "(" + lower + digit + anyLetter + ")|(" + lower + special + anyLetter + ")|"
+ "(" + upper + digit + special + ")|(" + upper + digit + anyLetter + ")|"
+ "(" + upper + special + anyLetter + ")|(" + digit + special + anyLetter + "))^.";
Hope this helps