searching the permission list

hi i try to find the list with permission, but i can t find anything
7 Replies
Kwantux•3w ago
I get the full list when typing in the command
No description
WarryOP•3w ago
i thought there were more than this hand full of permissions. other question how can use bedrock player the plugin because they cant take every item in the offhand for the filter or in german 😄 ich dachte es gäbe noch mehr permissions als die paar aber andere frage, wie können bedrockspieler das plugin nutzen, weil sie können ja nicht alle items in die linke hand nehmen um die filter zu setzen 🙂
Kwantux•3w ago
hmm, tbh i never really thought about that.. good point
WarryOP•7d ago
😅 ok good to know lol @Kwantux sry for the ping, but please inform me if you plan to make the plugin also useable for bedrock player 🙂 @Kwantux i found a solution for bedrock player on my server with an extra plugin its a plugin which let bedrock players take every item into the offhand and so they can set all the filter for the components
Kwantux•7d ago
I'll probably make it, so that shift left/right in the air puts the wand in your offhand if you're on Bedrock. And then make the wand also work in the offhand for now I added it to FAQ
WarryOP•7d ago
sounds good but i think the main problem is that bedrock player can use only a few items in there offhand. the problem is not only the wand, because you have the wand in your right hand and the item where do you want to set a filter in your left hand and here it comes... java players can take everything in our left hand but bedrock players can t do that, for example sandstone or any other block
Kwantux•6d ago
I understood that, networks will get a feature like that plugin

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